
51 Decks, 23 Comments, 0 Reputation

I really love this deck, I think it's perfect. Many milling decks lack the ability to stay alive early in the game. This deck would have no problem due to the faeries.

It's type 2 legal, am I right? If it wasn't I think that Circu would make a great addition to an already powerful mill.

Posted 01 May 2009 at 14:00 as a comment on Faerie Mill


My name is Nathaniell. I'd love to comment on your deck and try to offer constructive criticism. I don't have any decks built yet.

Posted 01 May 2009 at 13:55 as a comment on Member Database


I like your deck. It has a different take on milling, I think that you may have a problem with haste/burn decks though. You lack the ability to keep yourself alive early on. Platinum Angel is easily countered and just as easy to destroy, you need to get some cheap creatures to keep you alive long enough to mill your opponent to death. I personally would recommend a few Steel Walls ( 0/4 defenders for 1 colorless) and to maybe get rid of the lightning greaves, I don't see any purpose for those.

This deck would be effective, but I think you could easily make it powerful with just a little bit more opening power. At least, that's just my opinion. :)

Posted 01 May 2009 at 13:46 as a comment on Platinum Mill


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