Nice. Drew a couple of sample hands had trouble getting the combo maybe put in some draw advantage? If so i'd drop the Lotus Petal even though they are amazing :P and put in Sign in Blood.
Thanks and even if i did know what would top it off i wouldn't know what to take out lol and its always good to inspire something in others :] thanks for the positiveness.
I would try and put in some search cards like maybe in the SB just in case your having trouble drawing what you need. Otherwise awesome deck, THE GOLDEN ARMY IS REBORN! haha :D
It looks nice I would try to put in more BEASTLY cards because right now you only have five and those five are your only win condition.
I dont think the deck is focused enough I mean do you see all the cards you only have one of? Except Emrakul because one stops mill. Anyways I would take out Safewright Quest, Phosphorescent Feast, Rampaging Baloths and Woolly Thoctar to put in two more Totem-Guide Hartebeest, another Godsire and one more of both Canopy Cover and Shielding Plax. This will cut out the cards you dont need and allow you to get the ones you do. :] Also check out my deck.
That could help but what about Elvish Piper; is it still standard? But anyways once I get the cards Ill proxy play test Fauna Shaman and see how it does. Thanks for the suggestion :].
It got pushed off :[
I'm amazed that you haven't thrown in Sporolith Ancient. Also i would cut a Fog and a Throne of Geth to put in two Contagion Engine. So with Sporolith Ancient, Sporesower Thallid, and Contagion Engine you would be getting two saprolings a turn from every fungus you have (except Sporesower unless you have two of them on the field) plus cutting the throne of geths wouldn't be a bad thing because the only thing you would be sac'ing is your clasps and the throne itself but its always good to keep some in there just in case your opponent wants to destroy some ya know sac it in response so thier spell is wasted :]. Awesome deck i loved using saprolings and so did one of my friends but my deck was too mycoloth focused -.-. Anyways i love this deck i hope it gets made :]. Check out my deck too :]
Woohoo first deck to make Up and Coming Deck list :D
Sweet because the Gold Myr could really help out with white mana and they could be free with Semblance
oh god... you know i hate when you get rid of my creatures lol anyways i suggest getting at least one more semblance and dropping Razor Hippogriff for Gold Myr because the only real thing you would be gaining life off of is Wurmcoil Enigine and Salvage Scout is so much faster and cooler :] awesome deck and i look forward to playing it :]
Awesome suggestions bro and you know i love having myr :D anywho i think i have two Grontier guide but no Harrow :/ and i look into Mul Daya Channelers thanks :]. I will check out your deck right now.
I like this deck you should check out my Bellowing Liege deck. In saying so I think Bellowing Tanglewurm would be killer in this deck ^^
Alrighty thanks for the suggestions and Ive never really made a stompy deck so I wouldnt really know what it was haha; but ya I understand where your coming from and I was trying to keep it standard just in case I wanted to enter it in a FNM if it did really good at my local tournies. If not Im throiwng in three worldly tutors to insure that I get my Lieges because thats my win condition. Thanks again :].
I would definitely get lotus cobras if I had the money and I'm saving up for a new xbox so... and I dont have omnaths in there :/ so... anyways the terra eternal are for the Liege of the Tangle so ill have shroud indestructible 8/8s and also because alot of people in my town use clear field spells like Sunblast Angle, Wrath of God etc. as for the lands i would throw in but again expensive and the only thing a could fit in here is the green white land from scars and i only have one so... :/ but anyways thanks for the suggestions :]
I like it. It has good potential, the only problem i see is no creatures. Telemin Performance would kill. As for the lands i would use dual lands from Scars and any other duals you have. Good deck looks fun :]
Ya you could try throwing in Greater Auramancy and have two on the field so it loops.
Goblin Tunneler and Calcite Snapper are pretty cheap on
I went ahead and did it I might try and enter it in a FNM :]
I was thinking about going standard but instead of Arbor Elves I was thinking about Birds of Paradise for better mana choice and for a flying chump blocker. :] thanks for the comment.
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