Right of flame is a pretty cool card also, thanks for showing me. Although I've used Seething Song a lot in the past and its really come in handy when trying to get all my 5-6 costing Dragons out.
Wow, thank you soooo much. That card is amazing and I'll be using it for sure.
An affordable Deck would be nice. So far, this deck is pretty cheap. If anyone could list off some good Legendary Angels, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks! I am trying to make this deck an even 60 Card Deck still. The Basic Lands are mostly useful for "Draco" at the moment. Though my Deck isn't based around that card, I still see a lot of potential in it, and keeping it on the field is a must. So I want to try and have 5 Basic lands out asap. But Great Furnace is a great card indeed. With bigger costing cards such as the ones I have here, a little extra mana never hurt.I'm currently thinking about taking out the Dragon Engines and Clockwork Dragons, for more Draw Power towards my bigger, better cards and Mana. At this point only reason I'm keeping it is for its cheap mana cost. Suggestions would be nice. (Possibly replace it with "Dragon Speaker Shaman")
Thanks! This deck is still really a rough draft though. Gonna be moving things around a lot in it. I've always wanted a good deck based around Dragons, so I'm trying out a few different things, so far this one is cheaper than my Ancient Dragon deck.