-3 Akroan Crusader+2 War-Name Aspirant+1 Borderland MarauderYou only have 5 target spells for Akroan Crusader. The tokens don't help Rabble and the few target spells you have must be used on him to get a 1/1. I just don't feel it's as advantageous as it could be.Next, since we got rid of the tokens that didn't help Rabble, why not bring some in that do?-2 Dragon Mantle+2 Hordeling OutburstYou lose your 2 cards and the individual power boost. However, Rabble has some friends and it works a lot better with the 2x Trumpet Blast you're running. Plus Trumpet Blast is at instant speed so you don't have to telegraph who it getting big like Dragon Mantle does.Hope that helps. Cheers.
He meant "Slippery Bogle"
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