need white for unburial rites flashback
what format is this?
i like the concept alot, but you must be aware that theres alot of tokens hexproof and undying creatures that weaken direct burn spells. id say but in alot of board sweepers like whipflare and slagstorm this will kill all their creatures and stuffy doll does 2-3 damage to the player for every sweep. hope this helps!
nice, but u dont have the mana to support the inferno titans. id go with lower drop creatures or maybe a few koths!
Your deck has a nice flow, nice and competitive. My only suggestion would be Entreat the Angels instead of Gather the Townsfolk for late game reliability :)
Also, the slumbering dragons are useless against control decks. i would take out and add +2 geistflame (for use with shrine and to kill the key 1 drops like birds or blood artist) +1 Reforge the soul, its worth play a 1 of as it is a godsend when red runs out of steam. Fills your hand and ruins your opponents sometimes. +1 Bonfire of the damned. Worth playing 1 of because any more and you can't support it with enough mana if you draw it early.
Use 4x Shrine of Burning Rage instead of the Ring until it rotates, trust me. You need the mid to late game reliability of Shrine, all the rings in m13 are just too slow for standard at the moment. Might see play in RVR but i doubt it.
Wolfir Silverheart would make a good addition. At least 2...
Also, maybe frost titans instead of grave? harder to target and more useful and grave titans tokens get -1 -1 as well
No way to implement Bolas? hes just badass.
I actually dont think it does, because i would gladly sac gravecrawlers and pay 1 mana to bring them back. And I can also sac Geralf's Messenger and re-use him with Hex Parasite
YOYOYO I've always loved fast paced goblin decks. Makes your opponents so mad. Do you think RTR will improve this deck? My only suggestion would be: +1 Chandra, -1 Flames of the Firebrand. Just because Chandra is sick and you definitely want to play her turn 4-6. Also, could you check out my mono-black deck for m13 ? thanks alot
Ahhh yes. I only added tribute in situations where the life-gain is necessary but it isn't most of the time. You are probably right I will switch them in. and Mortarpod does seem awesome, what would you take out for for them though? Im thinking making room for both Mortarpod and Hex parasite.
Hmmm very interesting. Problem is Parasite dies to creature removal and mass removal quite easily so I wouldn't want to use it for a lich counter. But its is very possible, repeating Geralf's is very scary. Will playtest this first!!
Victim of night is Very scary to use as all the creature types are very strong in this format. Murder is a 3 drop and i need to use a creature on turn 3. Thanks for your suggestion though!
1-10 Creativity: 10 Playability: 3
laid back atmosphere, pretty exciting at times. usually lots of players. oh, and nerds. tons of nerds.
predator ooze..indestructible and gets bigger every turn
-1 diabolic tutor -2 revelation -2 consume spirit -1 sign in blood + 4 sphere of the suns + 2 sorin markov
I run 6 anthems 4 intangibles and 2 Honors, because they dont pump vampires and they area possible dead draw after a board wipe. At least after an opponent board wipes you can produce black tokens with Sorin. maybe -2 Honor and + 2 hero of bladehold?
41-60 of 98 items