First of all, I had people at my FNM suggest boom/bust but I never considered it really. It hadn't occurred to me that I could sac a fetch land in response to targeting it with boom/bust. Thanks! Also, I didn't even know Trinisphere makes sense. They're going to be stuck at one or two land for most of the game, so if every spell costs at least 3, it's as good as having 0 land. Thanks for the advice!
The pain seers are gonna come out. I just haven't really had an idea of what to replace them with. Shriekmaws are like B3 aren't they? The deck is already pretty slow. And yes, I'd love to have 3 more Thoughtsiezes...but they are like 20 bucks each, and I don't want to drop $60 on the deck right now. Maybe in the future!
Meh. I've gone 3-2 the last 4 friday night magics I've gone to with it. I don't think land destruction will ever be sitting top tier with Twin, Affinity, Tron or Merfolk for modern, but I've been happy with it.