wowww. meekstone is so OP.
could you please explain how you would use conspiracy to your decks advantage?
i think adding spellskite would just defeat the purpose of the deck
i like this deck alot
my friend has a similar deck except he rocks noxious ghoul in it
lol maybe she got hooked cause it was a beast burn deck and she barely has to do anything =P
I wish my girlfriend would play Magic: The Gathering with me. = (
damnation and garruks companion
nice deck man
lemme get one of your urborg zwampz jk if you wanna focuz on the zwampwalk combo why not juzt add phage the untouchable? zhez a zombie too. check mine out
hymm of torach, check it out itll replace mind rot
Leyline of Punishment and Double Cleave.
wow unearth is the business
cruel revival
if you have sosuke out and zome warriorz out wouldnt the tangle asp be pointlezz attacking with lure? rather then lure on a warrior? an asceticism would be nice in here to.
the ziege gang combo iz zo rape but 1-2 pyroclazmz drop thiz deck zo quick but the cheiftan makez it harder to mazz kill
u have plenty of land u dont need to remove anything i like it