i prefer the guiles main for things like path/bolt because its more of a voltron deck,where you power one guy up and kill them in 1 or 2 turns.the forest is for path
needs primeval titan,helps with gate/door win
suggestion,rename to ptbng matthias hunt amulet of vigor decklist,or something to the effect of that.
needs tropical islands,force of wills,ponders,and brainstorms.4 of each prolly
i cast iona,gg
needs shock lands,tap lands,more sphinx's,board wipes
no problem!
Make Thraximundar your general
Make 'Thraximundar' your general
I suggest:-3 spirit guide+1 Craterhoof+2 forest
I play elves in modern.With all do respect,this is a bad build.I suggest:-2 nissa's chosen (Bad card.Period,just bad)-2 elvish champion (You prolly wont see that much green decks in tourney,if so side them)-1 imperious perfect (tokens are bad,youwould much rather have elves with abilities)-12 forest (you are playing elves,they ramp anough for you to win)+1 ezuri (overrun much?Regenerate much?)+1 heritage druid (more ramp)+4 aether vial (lots of 1 cmc drops)+1 nissa revane (life gain all day)+2 wurmcoil engine (6/6 for 6 that gives you 2 3/3 wurms when it dies)+4 elvish harbringer (seach for an elf to top deck)+4 Verdant Catacombs (fetch your breeding pool/forests)