honestly etched champion should be in the main board over walker and with that extra 4 spots u can add ethersworn canonist to screw combo.
http://www.mtgvault.com/card/vampire-nocturnus/M13/ http://www.mtgvault.com/card/blade-of-the-bloodchief/ZEN/ these are much better then using rakish heir and havengul vampire
yea iam 100% on killing wave yet i just havent found something better as of yet but ill try to find something better and if i cant it most likely be sided out for other things
just updated on what i might be using as i stated it still in the process of being finalized so idk if that is gonna be the real sideboard
only thing i rlly disagree with is the main board revokers and the fact that there is only 3 tempered steels
iam trying to keep it standard legal i usually play only legacy but iam kinda getting into standard i was gonna make this or boros
i rlly hope so i love this deck
i may be wrong but i think u can only have 1 legend in ur deck and it has to be wrong ive only played the format once so idk if iam correct id say keep sliver legion and u can have multiple basic lands too
i hate caw blade decks they have auto pilot built in.... just my opinion but i do like this one better then the others that are out there
glad some1 did standard vamps right
yea i was looking at artifacts to put in
have u tried this at fnm
Ty i forgot about that one idk what i was thinking =P
yea i dont own any either but they are rlly nice right now this is only cards i own
wow thank u i forgot there was a card that did that
sigh i just started playing magic again when eldrazi came out and its the fucking interwebz no1 but u gives a shit about punctuation and spell and if i did play when he first came out ur right i woulda bought him so y dont u back ur shit up and talk to some1 like u cause i build decks my way and u build urs ur way
ur a fucking moron iam not dropping 75 bucks not gonna happen.
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