Foggy Splinter Funeral

by N1ckr0ph3l14 on 13 July 2011

Main Deck (60 cards)

Instants (12)


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Deck Description

I don't plan on ever playing more seriously than with friends, I'll be adding comments soon on how it plays. Props to Tallyaeon and his splinter funeral deck, that's where I got the idea to add the Liquimetal Splinter combo. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Deck Tags

  • Mill

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 1,634 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Foggy Splinter Funeral

Looks good! I've always been a fan of mill decks. The following comments are not considering the cost of the deck, so if you are on a budget I would keep the deck as it is, cause it looks good!

- For removal, add 4 Condemn or Path to Exile to replace Divine Verdict's.
- Tome Scour is a little weak in my opinion, I would add some card draw or scry, such as Preordain or Ponder.
- For a sideboard, Surgical Extraction is a MUST if you don't want to be completely countered by the Eldrazi legends. Nihal Spellbomb is also an option that covers the same thing on a budget and lets you draw a card.
- Jace, Memory Adept has a fetish for this deck XD
- I would take out the creatures. I think some Mana Leak's, Counterspells, Doom Blade's, Go For the Throat's, or possibly some hand control such as Inquisition of Kozilek or Duress (just to name a few) would be more consistent cards for your deck that fit your goal.

I LOVE mill and really hope that this deck succeeds. Best of luck to you!

Posted 13 July 2011 at 12:38


Thanks for the suggestions! I like your idea of adding the Condems, Ponders as well as the Nihil Spellbombs. Hopefully Jace, Memory Adept drops in price so that someday I could add him, he really would make this deck beast.

The only part of your suggestion where I differ is that I am not a fan of creatureless decks, I feel very naked without creatures on the board. From playing this deck, as soon as I start getting out my flying walls my opponents have just given up on attacking me which might as well be the same as me killing them off with a Doom Blade or Go For the Throat. For my own comfort I'll most likely leave the walls in for now but I will definitely put the creature removal and/or hand control cards in my sideboard for when I decide to mess around with a creatureless deck. Thanks again for the suggestions!

Posted 13 July 2011 at 13:24


Nice twist on what I did :)

I'd take out the Perplexes for better counters. (they are only really good in the first few turns and if your opponent has nothing good in hand, or no hand, they could just discard their hand to ignore it)

Definitely take out the Planes Walkers. They are a bit slow. (or if you want to keep Jace, change him out for a Jace, Memory Adept from M12)

Other than that looks okay.

Posted 31 December 2011 at 00:08


I know that there are better counters than perplex, but I'm waiting to test play it to see if transmuting for mind funeral ever comes in handy. If it turns out that perplex is useless and i never need to transmute, then I'll definitely take it out.

Posted 31 December 2011 at 14:21


Perplex can't transmute into glimpse, it has to be the same CMC, not same or less. Check Muddle the Mixture, it does not have an "unless" clause, but can only target instants and sorceries. anything else will be vulnerable to your coating/splinter combo if it really needs to be dealt with.

I agree w/ your previous statements regarding blue flying walls, Belltower is an obvious choice for a mill deck, but guard gomazoa is an excellent choice as well.

I think praetor's council would fit as well, allowing you to recast many of your spells, and potentially turn glimpse into "draw ten cards" and returning it to your hand to be replayed.

Posted 11 January 2012 at 10:26


I'd be transmuting for mind funeral, not glimpse. Praetor's Counsel is interesting, thanks for the suggestion! I'll look into at least side-boarding it.

Posted 01 February 2012 at 17:59
