I appreciate the advice. Alot of those cards are out of my budget for this casual deck. Based on pricing if I were to add transmute it would be Dizzy Spell. Which cards should I take out if any for Dizzy Spell?
How has this deck worked out for you? Checkout my act of fling deck
because fastbond is not allowed in even legacy and zuran orb is previously restricted
I have a deck just like this and I must say with all the cheap spells, cinder pyromancer works great, especially if you play fool's tome and do multiple spells in a turn.
This deck is pretty sick! I been winning alot with it. You guys got any advice?
I am fairly new. What is an aggro or zoo deck?
It is somewhat designed to the effect that you destroy all their creatures with the terrors, dark banishings, and nekratrall and then kill then by your creatures getting through to them, damage from the drain lifes, or by having them discard and lose to the rack.