this is true except for many decks i have encountered can utilize bloodwitch and that's a pro white flyer so getting rid of nocturnus while majorly helpful isn't the only flying problem...but spidersilk nets would def help with that in combination with white night or lightcaster
i like the deck but instead of bold defense i would suggest journey to nowhere or something to prevent damage...probly damage prevention or life gain considering u have path already, but boosting ur creatures while helpful sometimes is pointless against flying vamps or deathtouch. in the case of flyers or bloodwitch u would definitely want life gain or prevention anyway. journey would be to take away nighthawk or other nuisance if u can't use another ability to do so for lack of mana, etc.
besides iona what big creatures is my question? me 3 and less is not big and even ajani's avatar is ajani is 4 and then u wait a couple turns gaining probly any blood seeker loss of life which is equivalent to waiting for a 6 mana creature(now that is big ish but even still)...unless this deck was changed after this comment i think it is actually fast enough to work unless ur starting hand is ajani, day of judgement and both ionas and not a one drop(which would be foolish to keep anyway). granted, most well built vamp decks have a good chance of surviving it, but not a good chance of winning ultimately if this deck is played well
nice...alot like a deck i built recently too. unfortunately i don't own path to exile yet so that would be one improvement my deck needs. i mixed blue a little more with the aerialist instead of 2 evangels and added wall of denial to give time to build allies even more, but otherwise this is pretty much the same
I love this style of deck. I like this overall but what would u defend with against a fast deck? I think another deck I've played against has a card in it(unfortunately I can;t remember the name of it) that costs less and does the same or similar thing as Mist and the same thing if combined with another card as ur combos do. If u can find out what that is or I remember the name and I'll let u know I recommend using that also or instead of something
i like the way this works, but i have to agree it is slow. as for ur comment on my mill centered deck, this would be where runeflare trap comes in. use ur walking archive dude for instance and then drop that with twincast for game much quicker unless they gain life too much. if they gain a lot of life like i mean tho, u can bet their deck is not a fast damage dealer and should stall long enough to get beaten by another trap or this deck anyway.
Oh and one last thing for everyone based on "I don't see the point of puneflare trap in a mill deck, you're supposed to win by mill, not damage". My opinion is the point is to win (even tho I categorized this as a theme deck). No matter how it happens if u win fairly and have easier ways to do it go for it.
first off thanks for the comment DedWards runeflare trap is there b/c of a deck idea i have played against and is not the main idea no but it's a secondary way to win against faster decks and u could just throw it out instead of waiting to mill the deck all the way...this is not only a mill deck just primarily one since milling disables opponents occasionally by stopping them from playing certain cards or slowing them down so the over drawing and discarding on top of milling is strategic not the only way to win. Howling mine is here plus font of mythos for the effect of runeflare trap and over drawing for your opponent or just font of myhtos could do that but howling mine is played first normally as u mentioned it is faster so easier to double up or just useful to assist u. Runeflare trap besides being an overall slightly faster way to win can save you from decks that beat strictly milling decks. To summarize this deck is called library vanisher for a reason sinc eit eliminates the deck like any mill deck, but it also just disables anything your opponent wants to try besides playing a few probly small creatures or gain life, which can prove useless if you twincast runeflare early on or mill their whole deck.