Thanks for your thoughts! I'm a fan of Steam Augury; I'll try plugging it in and seeing how it goes (you're correct, Dig Through Time is very much out of my price range). I'm playing Twitch mostly in order to attach it to Elite Arcanist, so if I cut Twitch, I might cut the Arcanist as well (the only other instant that the Arcanists really like, given Training Grounds, is Seething Song, but that still feels like a less-than-optimal use of two cards). I've played Foresee in the past and have liked it a lot, but the Arcanist can't use it.
Sure thing. =)
Wait a sec, Etched Champion will receive your planeswalker's effects just fine (if I'm not mistaken). Remember the protection acronym DEBT: things with protection can't be delt damage, enchanted/equipped, blocked, or targeted by anything they have protection from. Since Garruk's ultimate doesn't target anything, your Champions will get all giant-sized just fine, and given the wording on Ajani's token dispersal ability ("Each creature you control"/"those creatures"), I'm pretty sure the white lion will buff your metalcraft soldiers as well.
Overhauled the deck. It now actually uses landfall, a mechanic it was built to abuse before said mechanic existed.
Snake Cult Initiation is a fun card for poison decks. I'm building a vampire poison deck at the moment, should be fun.
To be totally honest, I wasn't aware of Avatar of Might's existence. Might have to pick that up. And I wish they'd reprint Thorn Elemental! I own a Rhox, but I took it out when I was slimming the deck down. I might get a 10th Ed. copy and throw it back in, but I feel like a few more Overruns might do the trick instead. Added 1 Nature's Spiral.
Looks absurd. Thumbs up.
Myr Mortals in da haus