I guess so, however even with those nothing puts the fear of God in this deck like Linvala, Keeper of Silence, I'm thinking maybe I ought to have a 'board of removal before alt. win conditions.
These are both excellent suggestions and I appreciate the insight, but they may be a tad superfluous.
I much appreciate your kind words.
Eldrazi Monument is a better choice to main deck than Jinxed Idol. Also, Awakening Zone would be better than Kozilek's Predator in my opinion because A) it's cheaper and B) it churns out sacrifices every turn. It is also fun to run Mycoloth in decks like this even if it's just a singleton.
Benalish Cavalry is a step up from Knight Errant with flanking and all, and I think this deck has to have Kinsbaile Cavalier. Double Strike = good.
I believe that Mortician Beetle could have a home here.
Aether Vial could have a spot here, throw it down turn one and stockpile to Dismantle it later.
Gilder Bairn, I'm a fan.
It's sad to see a green Timmy deck without a Verdant Force, the consummate Timmy card. I think I can hear him sniffling off in a corner somewhere, what with that giant nose of his. Poor Verdant Force
Every mill deck loves to Traumatize? Ya know what I mean?
I say the more Imperious Perfects the better! Also another Bramblewood Paragon would be good. I'm not sure why so much mana acceleration is needed. The only thing to ramp up to is a super multikicked Joraga Warcaller and in reality once or twice is usually enough to break the camel's back Elvish Archdruid is a superstar so I think you should cut either Llanowar Elves or Joraga Treespeaker. Llanowar is a boon unto 1 land hands but if your heart is set on a massive multikick then the Treespeaker is better. Maybe two of each. Nissa Revane is all about elves but oh so boltable if you're willing you can cut her and her Chosen and toss in some Wren's Run Vanquishers which are a bit more imposing. Hey with the heavy warrior tribal thing going on Obsidian Battle Axe has a home here too.
Where's Duress? Inquisition of Kozilek? RB and no Blightning? Why in God's Name are you playing Heat Ray?!? And It's Nihil NOT Rihil! ERROR OVERLOAD! SYSTEM FAILURE! Shutting down. Beeeoooop. (that was the screen going black)
This deck seems pretty boring to me and forgive me for saying so but I don't see a win condition main deck. Sure you can destroy all of your opposition's permanents pretty well and still be able to cast things yourself but going for the win with Obelisk of Alara seems pretty shaky to me. However you say its been tested so I'll take you at your word. Personally I feel that Sanctity and Ascension have homes in main deck. Otherwise I believe it can be out controlled and easily outrun.
Yep, this is about as nice a merfolk deck can be in standard at the moment. There's not a lot to go around. I kinda like Scroll Thief myself.
You have a point about the attacking. To solve this I suggest Paradise Mantle as a possible solution. It's one of the cheapest equipments around, taps the Bairn and helps pay for the untap cost.
I don't know what your card situation is but there is no world I can imagine that would reward a player for using Shoal Serpent. As far as budget landfall fatties go he's nowhere near the league of Baloth Woodcrasher or even Territorial Baloth. Another Windrider Eel would be good, and as far as cheap card drawing walls go Wall of Blossoms is preferable to Jungle Barrier. There is also no way to deal with opposing threats. Narcolepsy would be excellent to this end and Into the Roil is an excellent utility spell that is a lot more useful in most cases than Aether Tradewinds. I know from experience that Harrow is great in this kind of deck and that Ior Ruin Expedition is slow and generally not a game-changer. Overgrowth really isn't in a position to do much good. Cultivate would be better. Also, if you've got an Avenger of Zendikar, Khalni Garden is worth playing
The control looks pretty solid but there's always Gilder Bairn to speed up the clock a little bit. He (it?) fits the mana base and c'mon what deck exists that can't be made better with them help of Ouphes?
You seem to have invested in white solely for Recumbent Bliss. This is a decent card but does it really justify a color splash? I think if you're going to splash you should go black and add fun 'ol Nemesis of Reason or Mind Funeral if you don't want more creatures. However if you want to stay white you should add Path to Exile. It's really enjoyable to Path your opponent's threat and then spring the Archive Trap when they search for that land. Also Path deals with pesky Eldrazi who just won't go into the graveyard (though Oblivion Ring or Journey to Nowhere are needed to deal with Emrakul and I don't know how to deal with Progenitus, I guess just hope he gets stuck in their hand or you get him with Jace)
HOORAY FOR ORIGINALITY!! ... oh... wait a second. Still though a solid deck. It's nice to see a deck built around hardcasting the Eldrazi for maximum results. However, Not of This World is really not a good card. Vines of Vastwood can protect your creatures while buffing them and is more useful on your smaller critters. The Titans don't really need the protection anyway. Emrakul can't be targeted by most spells that Not of This World can counter. I really think you should go Vines.
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