try to find a way to give your snakes haste ^_^ that would make all the difference. btw could you guys also check my deck out. thanks. ^__^
blood lord vaasgoth and curse of pierced heart is are good cards to add on this deck.
hahahaha thanks i hope you liked it.
such expensive cards, and they geralfs comes in to play tapped. such a waste of turn.
you know what buddy sometimes cracking a joke puts a direct crack on you. You made us laugh at you and you made yourself look Stu**d
nah... you're the only one who believes in what you did, it does not and you dont make any sense at all.
nice deck, but if this would be challenging a modern deck what about the token producers?
hahahha thanks alot, i also ad them considered that's why there's a DOJ on the board.
thanks guys i hghly appreciate the comments and at the same time the critics, and yup this is not a meta since i really rely on my deck build intuition. Surprises sometimes is the key on winning, unlike the anticipated deck w/c usually is being ruled out by another deck that would caught them off guard. have the comments come in.
yah think so? i was only beaten once by a meta RDW, i don't think the normal RDW is as good as it gets.
what's the removal for if you'll be bambarding them with everything you ot.
no counters?
try to use as side board leonin the relic warder, and fiend hunter and sun titan for venser purposes. hoe this kight help out, i am also a control deck user.
good to hear it from you just don't get bored hahahaha, try to create a new deck you might find it after beating those players boring and you want something more for a deck. make it as your redemption deck as well hahahaha.
ok just try to use it as a spitter on his turn esp. if you'll be setting up for a mass block on his attack. and at the same time you'll never know when you'll be needing to throw 1 dmg. and a goblin to sacrifice for the goblin grenade, i won't brag but this deck is so hasty that my friends don't want to fight it anymore., i also seldom use it and just named it my redemption deck. if they beat up my 2 tourney decks i'll whp them bigtime using this deck most of the time.
thanks bro.
my own version of my RDW was able to beat the solar flare 3 out of 5 games , and even the token deck murdered the tempered however bad draws sometimes cause the losing part and yeah before i forget walker deck beat me up 2 out of 3 games hahahahhaha. it feels bad however i never considered a game lost if the card that beaten me was a planeswalker move..... check out my rdw maybe it would help you.
this is a nice deck however it's impossible that you would always have a t4 kill.
This is slow
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