I agree...Great Deck!
Honestly it looks ok...
Looks sound
I have a zombie deck....Grave pact with a way to sacrifice is the way to go...
Oh wheel of sun and moon, my bad... looks good!
Fireball is your only shot at winning....good luck with that
I built a deck like this one... It's called Sanctum
I think your soild with the 10 you have...
Sweet Deck!
(Voltaic Key + Time Vault) Is this legal? I think the only way to use it is to skip a turn, hope I don't Harsh your buzz...
Isochron Scepter duh....This deck is sweet!
Good luck with Mana
Way Cool...
Sweet deck, would love to play it
3 words...Protection from white
Hoping is half the battle
Felidar Sovereign + Rite of Replication + Twincast = Hella Sweet!
Armored Ascension rocks! but your Honorable Scout is a cop-out....if your facing a deck with a lot of black/red creatures the life gain is not going to help you out...but then again it is one mana, so, good job!
The Basilisk Collars is a good idea, I'd add 2 or 4 of them and keep the Gorgon Flail, thus making the one hit KO sniping more accessible....tough choice making though...
61-80 of 121 items