Yeah, thanks Northu, shit hasn't been going very well, so thanks I'll try. Hey kilocix fight me and we will see who is the soft one *insert winky face*
Hey Northy, I've been gone forever but I just wanted to say thanks for being my friend and talking to me :) it meant so much man
Then you probably have a lot of zombies from your bridge from belows, then you flashback Dread Return for all sorts of fun grave yard beats. :)*EDIT* Like flame Kim zealot for lethal beats.
Hey, the new High Sentinels of Arashin looks like it might work for the deck.
Check this horrible vintage deck out. probably not good
Nice, as a lover of double strike and gruul you make both of them proud, one suggestion maybe 1 of Xenagod?
Alright, I'm in to advertising because no one looks at my decks anyway :)
Here ya go.
Time to start brewing horrible standard decks :P
Northy I'm back for ever:) until end of June anyways but that's a long time. I love infect btw and this is really awesome. Like the lost leonin +1
Yo, Northy can you make a wedge deck? idk which one I just want to see what you choose. Thanks. (p.s. tell me your favorite wedge cuz I wanna make tyou a deck. :-)
Thanks, Jessie thanks i missed you so heres my deck to counter your deck, although i just made its not budget or nothing. Its just a screwy idea for a half mangled standard deck. :}
Btw this deck looks really nice, I LOVE SLIVERS, first deck type I played with :)
Hey, lovechicken I would suggest swapping those Might Slivers for Megantic Slivers
I thought About it. Wasn't sure tho
That Mana Curve tho... Searing Blood?Would you mind checking my deck out?
I don't know what to suggest it looks pretty sweet.Would you mind checking out my deck?
Thank Northy :)
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