I love Apostle's Blessing nice catch, I'll defiantly add that to the mainboard if it performs well. Thanks for the advise. Side note: cards like Complete Disregard that have devoid will kill it. I can't think of any others thought that do the same thing.
I'm flattered, however I don't think I have the time. Who am I kidding I already did it. I put a link in you comment section of your deck.
Hey I saw your comment on my deck and had nothing better to do, so here are the changes I would make:http://www.mtgvault.com/mumbillyjoe/decks/hope-this-helps-arkas/
Yeah I did make some changes that I'm not sold on, I just keep updating it whenever I try something new. I really like Stream of Unconsciousness I was thinking about adding it myself. I will try out your build for a while sounds better than what I've got. Thanks for the help.
Bem, obrigado. ;)
Are you serious? Jesus this wasn't meant to be close to viable. Did you notice anything that could be improved, lands, cards to cut, or add anything? More importantly, what did it lose to?
Shenanigans?! I am offended this is the most serious tier one deck out there. But really glad you like it. xD
I agree it could be good in those situations, however it is not likely that I am going to run into counter spells in the majority of my games so that is something that I might consider side boarding. But if you play against friends that you know have counter magic then yes that would be a great alternative.
Into the roil does seem like a better answer. Take out the Carnage Alters and a Disciple of the Ring (sense the second one is a dead draw anyway) and put in three Into the Roil in their place?
I get where you're coming from, however adding tutors for Gridlock and Icy Blast might be a little over kill sense there is a total of eight already. As for the Carnage Alter, I just wanted a way to kill off the opponents creatures just incase I misplayed and lost control of Willbreaker. Which happens often because I'm bad at magic, but if you are not as bad as me then you can put anything in its place.
This is quite possibly the most well constructed deck I have ever seen.
You're a genius. I really love these cards thanks for the help. I will absolutely add these to my deck.
I'm thinking about a white or black splash, however I was told green would be stronger. What would you splash? If you have any feed back feel free to leave a comment.
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