I just picked up a playset of Knight of the Reliquary on ebay for 34 USD. She would be a beater in your deck!! If you want to see a deck with her, check out my RW raze deck.
Thank you! =) It haven't performed quite as I wanted in testing though - thats why I'm asking the Mtgvault community.
Have you considered adding a white splash to exploit Flagstones of Trokair? If you go that route you might even want to try adding Raze.
To me pontiff of blight is underwhelming. Extort is at its best when you can extort early and by the time the pontiff hits the board its a bit late imho. The cathedral santificer is also worth taking out I think. I would try to get 4 copies of Syndic of tithes and Kingpin's pet in. They are efficient beaters who fit well with your extort plan.
Nice deck! I think Syndic of Tithes is worth considering.
I would add 4 copies of Advent of the Wurm!