MH3 was added. And most interestingly Gary answered all those posts in the bugs and suggestion... until he would have had to klick to page 2 and see the rest of the problems. @ SpliNter: You can also set "Prefered Printing" for a card, which lets you switch all the cards in your deck easily to the printing you want them to have (assuming you've used it once before and done this step there)
It is sad to say, but this site is dead. Period. They where always slow with adding new cards, and even slower with fixing things or making other changes. But not fixing important things (card price system) in over a year or fundamental things (adding cards to a deck) in over a month will scare away the last remaining long-time users. I've transferred most of my decks to moxfield about a year ago. So if anyone needs some helps, feel free to contact me there.
I have found something that suits me and I'm trying to migrate my old decks on the new platform. It's far from being perfect (If there would be a perfect site we would all be there) but they have discord and react to wishes and bugs. It was a fun time while it lasted but I have to say I'm out of here because I see this ship sinking. And that more sooner than later.
Do not forget that Clan Skryre could also have been sabotaged by clan Eshin ;)
I'm simply looking for a site to build and manage my decks. An active community is considered as a bonus.
Do you know any good alternatives to Vault? I did a little search and the most promising was moxfield, but there are a ton of other good sites out there.
I would include a clue into the description that you can use [[Rime Tender]]/ [[Seeker of Skybrea] to tap and untap itself using it's ability into the description. Otherwise, interesting deck.
Personally I think that most of the cards that are in the deck at the moment don't fit into your planed strategy and could be replaced, the question is if you would be willing to buy/ trade for those cards. When you use [[Empty the Warrens]] and [[Young Pyromancer]] you want to have a high number of sorceries and instants, preferable cantrips (spells that additionally draw you a card): [[Warlord's Fury]], [[Expedite]], [[Fists of Flame]], [[Needle Drop]].You will also need a lot of mana to play all those spells and [[Empty the Warrens]] in one turn.You could add green as second colour and try ramp, which would be the slow approach.You could add blue as second colour and use cards like [[Goblin Electromancer]] and other cards that profit from a high number of spells cast, e.g. [[Balmor, Battlemage Captain]] or [[Crackling Drake]].Or you could take a look at the "gain mana" sorceries/ instants, which would further increase your storm count: [[Battle Hymn]], [[Desperate Ritual]], [[Pyretic Ritual]], [[Infernal Plunge]]. [[First Day of Class]] could also be worth a look as it doubles the power of the tokens generated.
Could you give us a description on how you want to play this deck, before we make any suggestions? From the decks title and 4 copies of [[Empty the Warrens]] I'd say you want this to be a storm deck and finish the game with a large number of tokens, but there are a lot of cards that don't fit this idea.
Some rather strange equipment choices in here. Also a (short) description would be a nice addition :-)Ideas: [[Bonesplitter]], [[Kor Halberd]], [[Swiftfoot Boots]], [[Golem-Skin Gauntlets]], [[Greatsword of Tyr]], [[Bearded Axe]], [[Hexplate Wallbreaker]], [[Nettlecyst]][[Champion of the Flame]], [[Danitha Capashen, Paragon]], [[Sram, Senior Edificer]], [[Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer]], [[Puresteel Paladin]], [[Etched Champion]], [[Akki Battle Squad]][[Dispatch]], [[Arterial Alchemy]], [[Mantle of the Ancients]]
The only thing that comes to my mind is that you will need a lot of mana. You commander is expensive and will become even more so the more he is killed an you want to re-cast him (+2 mana for each time he hit the command zone). Also, depending on the number of proliferates you will be able to do per turn, you will draw a lot of cards... which you will want to play as I have not seen anything like [[Reliquary Tower]] which would allow you to keep more than 7 cards in your hand. Drawing many cards is good. Having to discard cards at the end of the turn is not so good. Having no more cards to draw is deadly.
[[Boompile]], [[Nevinyrral's Disk]], [[Oblivion Stone]], [[Worldslayer]] are colourless cards that allow you to do a board swipe. Blue is good at returning things to hands, green can destroy only enchantments and artifacts in masses. [[Coastal Breach]], [[Consuming Tide]], [[Devastation Tide]], [[Faerie Slumber Party]], [[Flood of Tears]], [[Upheaval]], [[Cyclonic Rift]]
Basically I have moved away from modern (The other format I was playing with my group) and tried to move our playgroup towards pauper. Things where over with modern so quickly and the games mostly where all about who got the better starting hand. This also made it nearly impossible to try out some ideas because they where simply crushed by the proven decks and thus deckbuilding came to a halt. With pauper better, we have some of the seasoned and proven decks lying around, but they are specially marked so an opponent knows that this will be a tough game that will test his deck to the limit. The deckbuilding at the moment s still at a halt but mostly because I'm supplying all the decks needed, tough I hope that someday someone will still come with a new deck NOT built by me, because playing against decks that where built by yourself sucks as there is rarely a surprise-moment. As for commander the problem was twofold: For one the games where to long. A commander game with 4-6 people at the table can take quite some time and stopping in-between because the pizza arrives is also rather difficult. The other problem was that all people at the table know each other and it was often so that nobody wanted to attack an opponent even if he didn't have any defence... which made the games even take longer and frustrating.
It's always difficult to judge a deck without a good description, even more so if it's a commander deck, because they can go in so many directions with their strategy, even if they have the same commander. As I don't play commander anymore here are some suggestions based on my experience with normal proliferate decks: [[Duskshell Crawler]], [[Iron Apprentice]], [[Thrummingbird]], [[Tyrant Guard]], [[Forgotten Ancient]], [[Gyre Sage]], [[Hangarback Walker]], [[Prime Speaker Zegana]], [[Sekki, Seasons' Guide]][[Courage in Crisis]], [[Inspiring Call]], [[Prologue to Phyresis]][[Contagion Clasp]], [[Contagion Engine]], [[Serrated Arrows]], [[Agent's Toolkit]], [[Pentad Prism]], [[Orochi Hatchery]][[Nissa, Who Shakes the World]], [[Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter]], [[Nissa, Ascended Animist]], [[Oko, the Trickster]], [[Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim]], [[Vivien Reid]][[Novijen, Heart of Progress]], [[Oran-Rief, the Vastwood]]
[[Stonehorn Dignitary]] would be a classic card (at least in pauper) to bounce when using white.
[[Champion's Helm]] and things that will provide you with indestructible could be worth a look to keep your commander around longer: [[Avacyn's Memorial]], [[Darksteel Plate]], [[Hammer of Nazahn]], [[Shadowspear]]
You can discuss decks and cards, and earlier on there where some good and constructive ones. But the members who had the knowledge and will to write such things slowly left the site and the new players rarely give or make comments or even answer ones.Also the forum is dead as a dodo, which I partly blame on not working notifications and party on lack of interest. And talk like spoiler discussions are mostly made in the forum. Another option could be that forums are generally outdated and people now get together on discord, Instagram, and other "New" and "cool" communication platforms.
Yes, it could be improved on, in some areas more easily than in others. But the only thing I got to read during the last years was "Short on time", "Problems with this", "Problems with that" or the classic "We will write it into our list for the next update/ change. We really want to get this right"... heard the last one way to many times to believe in it any more. I guess I will have to start looking for alternatives, because the site I'm using to keep track of my card collection isn't really well suited for deck-building.
This will probably be one of the last decks I'm releasing here for a very simple reason: MTGVault is dead as a dinosaur. Don't get me wrong, I've been on this site for a long time and it was a good time. The number of active users has dropped but it would still be a good site to build decks (and hope for comments and support from other users). What really makes me angry is the support from Gary and Ian, which is a catastrophe. If you browse through the forum's "MTG Vault Bugs & Suggestions" section there are a lot of bug reports and even more suggestions on how to improve things. Bugs that where site-breaking are normally dealt with sooner or later, but other linger around for decades, like the one where you can give your own decks a like... or the one currently haunting the site with no prices of decks and cards displayed. The only thing done since June 2023 was "Wilds of Eldraine added to the database!" on 09-09-2023. The other 10 posts where someone reported a bug or a missing card where ignored. I know how hard it is to call for help on a project that is you baby that is getting over your head, be it because of technical problems or simple things like a new job, house, child or whatever. But in the end one has to make a decision between getting help and get things right or letting them die slowly and as I mentioned in my first sentence: "MTGVault is dead as a dinosaur".
[[Spider Spawning]] could fit to the deck, tough it might be a little expensive to play with only 19 lands. And yes, some people actually read those.
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