cut it to 60 first thing drop all your non-basic lands down to 3 add 2 islands and plains, i use a system of 3 of a needed card instide of 4 i find it ovr kill for stuff that i can rarely play like dragonstorm i would cut it completly due to its high cost you should have the game won by turn 9 anyways. with your sneaks getting your creatures on the board you dont really need so much land grab stuff some cards that let you grab cards from your deck would work better and draw cards too. hope this helps
the cradle is cool but hard to find, but ill keep my eye ut for it now. and the assaassin will be replacing the prowess of the fair sene i can return creatures back to my hand if they are going to die. lol. Thanks for the added evil to this deck.
the lodge dose seem to fit but with the few forest in the deck i some times only get one land in a game witch has never hindered the deck but the land must make green mana. thanks for the comment :)