i would but i've run so many mill decks and half the time I'm worried about my life because i'll get down to about 5 then hopefully mill then out, but if i had wight of pre 6 and consuming aberration on the field then drop essence harvest I would gain probably more than 20 life back and they'd lose probably more than 20. I'll run it and see how it goes. plus i dont like paranoid delusions very much because im not going to be swinging much.
sorry to say but the illusionist bracers wouldn't work the way you think they would. consuming aberration is a trigger effect not an ability .
maybe Bladed Pinions to replace a higher costing artifact like grappling hook or nemesis mask
maybe otherworld atlas, or howling mine, or Font of Mythos like previously stated. the otherworld atlas, sure it starts off slow but have have 5 charge counters on it then on opponents end step activate it, you draw 5 cards, gain at least 5 life on your soon to be turn, they lose 5 life, they draw 5 cards then unless they have no maximum hand size will probably have to discard a few, thinning out their own deck and helping your mill. just a thought.
hey thanks, i took your advice and took out the think twice and replaced it with mark of the vampire, hopefully the life gain will help. and yeah the removal is gonna be difficult i was thinking about putting in either victim or night, murder, or Tribute to Hunger , what do you think? and also I'm debating on replacing the vampire nighthawks with harbor bandits, but im not sure if i already have enough unblock able creatures. thoughts?