Intangible Virtue would be good at least for the sideboard if not for the main deck. Honestly, other than Tempered Steel, I dont see the point of Ornithopter. My opinion would be to drop that either for Intagible Virtue, or some Mitotic Manipulations (these have actually been really good for the extra mana drop if nothing else is available in my experience). If you wanted to stick to Standard, you could cut the Ornithopter for Memnites, and the Into the Roil for some Vapor Snags. I see you like Venser, so including either Aether Adept (continuous unsummons) or Stonehorn Dignitary (indefinite opponent combat phase skip) would also utilize his +2 bounce ability. Another good idea would be to add in Xenograph, that way all your creatures would then be Golems, giving the boost from the splicers to all creatures. That would also give justification to drop Ornithopter, seeing that Wing Splicer would then give everything Flying. Lastly, I used Glacial Fortress in my Splicer deck. It helps later to give that extra mana of either color without the draw back of having 3 or more lands.
Why wouldn't you use them also? 4 more cards to thin through.
Funny, i just commented on yor other deck saying a similair thing; I think Safe passage would be better for you than mark of asylum. Albeit one colorless more, but also prevents ALL damage dealt to you and creatures you control. Whole turn, nothing to you but, your opponents, they get hit!
Im surprised you didn't use Safe Passage. In my Luminarch Ascension deck, i run 4 of them. It helps prevent all damage to you and creatures you control while still dealing damage yourself.
Why the artifacts?