What is the point of the Batterskull? I personally would take that out and add in either another Path or Thoughtseize :)
I would recommend adding in a playset of Wall of Omens because they draw you a card when they enter the battlefield which helps to filter out the deck and they are great blockers to protect a Nahiri/Liliana when either of them are in play as well.
Nope it's Jund, otherwise known as the better tri colour combination ;)
Thanks for the advice. I'm attempting to get a Malignus off people to fit in here, I've already edited this list by adding cards such as Nissa Worldwaker and Courser of Kruphix in. It's performed really well in match ups recently and Boundless Realms with Omnath out followed by a Blasphemous Act is INSANE! :D
Thank you for your suggestion, however in my opinion I personally feel like this deck doesn't need them. Again thank you :)
I appreciate your advice drakeraenes however I have found that when I have played this deck Siege Rhino is really good, I'll pondering about the inclusion of Hero's Downfall and usually I see no problem with the green mana base, I have the forest but also 2 Llanowar Wastes and then 4 Springleaf Drums, there isn't many cards in this deck with green in them and I think all if they do have only 1 green needed, so I usually draw a forest, wastes of drum within the first few turns and that's not a problem, and thoughtseize in my opinion seems more control than aggro hence why I didn't include. Thanks :)
What the hell is it with you and thoughtseize in every single deck with black in it!? Rhino is good for this deck, Rakshasa isn't good enough to have more than 2 and fleecemane I fine as it is with 2 as well.
No problem, so what do you think of the deck now then with the correct amount of lands? ;)
If you look in the unknown section the forest, plains and swamps are in there, because they're the Khans art it's recognising them as Khans cards
Quite like this deck, I agree with ArchitectofPain with adding in some Stormbreath Dragons though they just brilliant cards to have in any red themed deck