Contagion engine is actually not so bad, but it is better for it to be sideboarded. Ppl these days use Avenger of Zendikar in thier decks often and contagion engine is great against it. Once contagion enters the battlefield after an AOZ is summoned, the plants produced are dead with the -1 / -1 counters.
I totally agree!! Adding Splinter Twin is a must, myr galvanizer can be multiplied to infinite as a blocker or attacker with the help of Palladium myr of course. But once Memoricide is played, GG for you.
I actually wanted to put it in but it is very expensive so i am trying my best to get it as cheap as possible.
It is a good equip, i might consider putting it in the deck. Thanks for the suggestion.
I actually thought of putting copperhorn scouts in the deck at first but i find that they die to easily since they are1/1.