Good job going creatureless , looks like fun... I would however throw in a couple Vexing Devils, 4dmg for 1 mana, can't go wrong with that. Especially closer to the end if for whatever reason your opponents were able to get out and keep a few creatures.
Hit up eBay dude...
I set up a play test because these decks are fun to play with friends, turn 1 wins that is... and for the life of me I can't get this to work. The combo mill gets stopped by having more than one Glimpse of Nature in the deck... everytime... so there is no turn 1 win here... that I can see. Turn 3,4,5 maybe... I also found other creature cards for cost 0, which helped the mill length.Pact of the Titan - drops a creature to continue the mill.Shield SphereNow, base this deck off Grapeshot and it's a different story.With Grapeshot in the deck I had a few turn 1 victories. However that being said, this original deck had to be modified a bit.
Hey there, I hate to sound like a complete newb here but... how do you win turn 1? I do not see how you deal damage? Unless you are hoping to draw out and play Laboratory Maniac before your last card with a Lotus Pedal and a few Spirit Guids via the Summoners Pact... then that's just dirty lol... is that how this works?
Thanx again Phoenix! I'm still sorta new to the game so most of the terminology is unknown to me. Bit by bit I'm learning. My goal is to be able to have real life decks capable of beating or not being pwned by my cousin and his friends who are long time MTG players. I haven't really updated this site with my decks as I mostly build on mtgdeckbuilder. I will build my decks here as I can so you can have a look maybe. My RDW is fairly strong as I spent good money on it, my Rat deck is also pretty strong as well as a green deck I have that is fast mana and big creatures.Apreciate the input Phoenix, you're a real help.Just added my Persist Combo deck... I'm sure it could use some work. It does work for me though in multi player games, I sit back and build my combo so long as my Cousin keeps his yap shut lol
Hmm, does using Aether Vials ability count as a cast? Like, can that be countered by an instant Counter Spell? If not, this ability would be fantastic against Control decks...I will throw in a Locket of Yesterdays into a play test and see what happens. It could be handy should a Destroy all Creatures wipe out half my Rats.Thanx again for the tips.
Thanx buddy! Any good suggestions on a fast White deck? Maybe Weenie based?
Heartless Summoning is cool, perhaps more so in a Zombie deck which I may build. I play this deck often against my Cousin and usually come out on top. Yes, Sergical Extraction and Extripate screew this quite a bit but I haven't encountered them often.Comment appreciated Phoenix, thanx.
Hey Pheonix, if you wouldn't mind checking my Rat deck maybe? It is a real deck. I have been playing this deck (slightly altered) on Magic Workstation and it's pretty fun lol. As are my rats hehe.
I fully understand this is an overwhelm deck and that tokens are key... but removing a life gain assisst for {1} to add a token booster for {5} may not be the best play. You already have a few ways to produce tokens and really, once you get 10+ on the board you're a force to be wreckoned with. Having a life gain assisst while allow you to survive longer should you face a Persist or Undying deck with a destroy all Creatures, another overrun deck or a big green beat down.I would suggest:Doubling Season {5} out and Wilt-Leaf Liege {4} in,Gilt-Leaf Ambush {3} out and Wellwisher {2} in.Wilt-Leaf is tough to get rid of and will make your other Elves and active tokens stronger. Wellwisher will bost your life dramatically which will allow you time to rebuild should a "Destroy all Creatures" get played.Imagine investing your first 3, 4 or 5 turns into boosting tokens while your opponent plays 2-3 undying or persist then he/she drops a destroy all creatures... his/her creatures return and you're screewed. However, iff during your 2nd turn you drop a Wellwisher and by turn 4 you have gained 50 health, chances are you will have the time to rebuild. I say all this because I have a real deck at home with a fairly similar build and those cards alone make a huge difference against previously mentioned decks. If anything, have them on a side board in case.Any way, it's a strong deck for sure. Just be aware of Undying and or Persist + Destroy all Creatures.
Hey Phoenix, just browsing Elf builds and checked yours out. I haven't really done much with this site but now that it has had a much needed facelift I think I'll return. Here are a few other cards you may want to have a look at that may interest you. Life Gain, Other Elves Get +, Add Tokens and Add X Mana... always handy. Good Luck.Ambush CommanderCopperhorn ScoutDrove of ElvesELVISH ARCHDRUID is a must...Elvish BranchbenderElvish ChampionOracle of NectarsRhys the ExiledTimberwatch ElfTurntimber RangerWellwisherWilt-Leaf LiegeWirewood Channeler
Cool deck man, you should work it down to 60 cards though... perhaps check out my new burn deck? I too have more than 60 cards but... lol
Cool deck man, seems to work. I will build a Red/Blue deck next prolly... perhaps check out my new burn deck?
Scratch that, Lord of Extinction... of Extinction&Edition=ARB&Print=1
Perhaps Lord of Destruction? Be sweet for multiplayer...
No problem man, if you can get that Door out quickly your dudes will beef up fairly quickly lol
I replied to one of your decks bro.
Hey man, thanx for the comment! I have yet to build a human based deck at home yet so I can't really offer up much advice at the moment... The only thing that looks odd to me is the Lighting Mauler maybe? I think you could probably lose this card and find something better... I may have a suggestion actually... if you're running all humans, perhaps replace 4x Lighting Mauler with 4x "Door of Destinies". They work great in my Relentless Rats home deck lol. Take care! I'll follow you if you follow me lol
The Sigil of Sleep is definately handy, will it work with an ability causing the damage? Like, If I attach it to the Gelectrode and tap to deal 1 dmg to player, does the Sigil then remove a selected Creature of my choice? The Prodigal Sorcerer is basically the same as the Gelectrode with the exception (a big one I think) of being able to untap the Gelectrode with control spells each time allowing me to keep picking off my oponents for 1 multiple times potentially in any turn. I had Mana Leak in here before but with Mana Web taping opponent out and the fact I want oponent to play creatures that I can just return to their hand and draw a card I decided to remove it. Really appreciate the comment Razka, I'd like more input if you have any. I will build another deck here shortly. I will "Follow" you too.
Lol... you seem to know what you're doing! I too made a budget deck, any chance you could give a quick look at my first deck here? It seems to work and does piss people off lol Thanx! Cool deck, thumbs up!
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