Too many singles, take out all of the golem stuff because it is not needed, take out all 4 of the nibleses and add some more of the cards that add tokens and add 4 intangible virtue and if you want splash an angelic overseer. Lastly add more humans that support spirits because this deck is a little bit too just thrown together. Thanks and if you get a chance check out my artifact deck here
have 4 soul wardens and 3 mourning thrull and take out the roc eggs and switch out june panorama for evolving wilds cause they help more. Also use more multiples and take out cards that don't help much. If you get a chance check out my awesome artifact deck.
Ok all cards in m12, innistrad, dark ascension, avacyn restored and m13 are standard. Thought you would want the help. :)
Well it is fun and if you are good at making decks and knowing whats good and not it can be awesome. I would recommend a prerelease first because u keep every card you get and you don't have to choose as much. Prereleases are $30 and FNM are $15
wow its pretty cool and the combo is nice. Check out my fast mana deck here too.
hey man thx I used to have a primeval but don't anymore the rampant growths are great and i will use them and I will get some boundless growths when m13 comes out.
Geez you took dragons and made them white and good too. The removal and control of this deck is legendary and yosei is amazing. Also when you get a chance look at my green land ramp deck cuz it needs help.
add 2 howlgeists from sideboard into deck in replace of 2 pyreheart wolves. You should also add some howl of the night packs. Check out my mono green mana ramp deck here.
why not add some memnites
sibilant spirit
great combos and great overall deck. But one thing why have the inkmoths because you are not using infect. Also thx for the comment on my mill deck.
add another architect and a blight steel colossus so the main point of this deck is still here. Also try some other ways to get mana for blight steel instead of stalling or the architect like sol ring or gauntlet of power.
Ok I decided to rake out the amulets I have realized that they are not good in a deck like this.
Ok I will definatly get the telemin performance and I have considered splashing black in but I am on a low budget and dual lands are not going to be easy for me to get neverless the unthinkables. I already am thinking about putting in 2 achive traps and 4 ghost quarters fr a sweet combo. Thx for all the help.
Take out a snapcaster mage because there are not too many instants/ sorceries in the deck also add another rhystic study so you can draw more cards. But overall a good deck. Check out my mono blue mill deck.
thanks i no about some of the m13 cards because I am always checking mtgsalvation for updates. The Amulets are there because I feel that sometimes you need to be ready with extra mana so you can cast spells early. So anyways thx this really helps
You should take out one of the vensers and take out red all together so you will have more room for blue and white spells like angelic destiny and more creatures. Hope this helps and check out my mono blue deck because I really need the help.
Good altogether but the grave titan doesn't work well with the heartless summoning. Also check out my mono blue mill deck here I really need the help and can use all the help.
Good deck but you can't use 6 ancient ziggurats because you can't have more than 4 of a card unless it is a basic land card.
Add some visions of beyond to help your erasures and keep getting those small spells.
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