
7 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

faithless looting!! if your whole deck is around pitching stuff with chandra and getting it back, you can't not love looting. it'll also fix your early draws so you can get the burn you need. wild guess would also be good, since you can replay it with chandra's ult without discarding. i'm personally not a fan of the vexing devil, have you thought about koth? he can ramp you into chandra t5 with his + ability, will draw aggro away from chandra, and is also a wincon on his own. he's on the cheap now, too

Posted 20 July 2012 at 22:39 as a comment on Chandra Ablaze Burn Deck


i was tinkering with the possibility of turn 2 boom/bust, but ill probably change it up. sorin is basically a second elspeth that can be out at the same time for double the chumping to protect walkers. i suppose i could just as easily splash green instead for gurruk relentless and sarkhan vol. i wonder....

Posted 20 July 2012 at 04:14 in reply to #274717 on modern RWb planeswalker
