this is more of wtf deck
this is the best draw deck ever but cobos will die off
it ok kk man
on this deck time short
this is not the point
ok when i'm done with green nuzet we will talk kapish
in the long run the card the deck realy need is time combos
tk's but why spellskite
i guess but why be the target of everyone
fun way to go budget to
wtf so contral,broken,hateful,and somthing
wtf this is grixis with contral drug's
thank's man
no clue mana ramp a worldfire is realy it
love izzet
i have one called hise at the world
wierd's/snakes/and classic thopter
this person suck facking dick most of the facking deck he made are already fucking made u faggot
this might be a hate for contral
dude love the deck plz make more tribel man
21-40 of 181 items