You have a lot of high cost creatures if you wanted to play them faster I would recommend Grand arbiter Augustine IV or maybe storms cape familiar
Thank you so much for the response I really appreciate it!I agree with reducing Depala good ideaI'm not sure about Speedway or gearshift, I would consider putting them in my sideboard but I feel they take up unnecessary space for those abilities especially with fleetwheel.I brought Inventor's Apprentice up to 4 I agree its a good one drop especially if you can get an artifact down.I wasn't sure about Renegade Freighter but getting a second opinion I think persuaded me to add it since I was a little low on vehicles.Lands brought them down to 23 we'll see how it works might bump it up by one later.
Wow I should pay more attention, thanks for letting me know!
XD I laughed for like five minutes. I didn't realize about the temples thanks!
Also that wouldnt make it legal in modern
I was trying to make this legacy would you still give the same recommendation? also note i have evacuation to clear the board and force the opponent to play spells.
You ignorant slut