You should get ridd of the stalking blood sucker, and the quag vampires for two more nighthawks and another bloodlord of vaasgoth
Looks like it could use some work check out my deck and maby get some ideas.Deck link:
Not very good check out my deck and maby gets some ideas.Deck link:
I think adding honor of the pure would help.
Chec out my white deck maby you can get some ideas. . Others i'm always open to suggetions
good point didn't notice the kinsbaile
Cool deck check out my knight deck
I would remove the kabira vindicators and add a couple mirran crusaders. I also think adding some honor of the pures would benefit this deck.
Deck link: Cool deck check out my knight soldier combo
Nope no singles dealers I have gotten a few cards off ebay though. But I don't like buying pricy cards usally I don't pay more than 5$ per card.
All my duel lands are pack pulled and those are all the B/R duel lands I have. I still collect them so when ever I pull a R/B land I will add it.
Thanks for the input I have been trying to get more red/black mana sources. I like using it as an archenemy deck, but when 1 v 1ing people I have noticed I don't have much to play. I will switch out some of the dragons with goblins and see how that works for 1 v 1. Do you think the goblins will take away from the crucible of fire? I guess the royal assassins aren't enough low mana creatures.
I also use Dragon speaker Shamans in my deck to get my dragons out sooner and save on mana. If you'd like you can take a look at my deck I posted it yesterday maybe you can get some ideas and give me some pointers.
I would add a captin of the watch its 6 mana but really amps up soilders
You should add a Chandra Ablaze
Cool deck. My knight deck is a soldier knight deck focused on indistructblity but alot of the cards are similar.
If it is a life gain deck I think Victory's Herald would be a great addition. That will really amp your life up.
I'd use a different dragon than Volcanic Dragon, like flameblast dragon same mana.