This is pretty darn ridiculous. The only thing you might want is a searcher to find Niv-Mizzet, though the way you cycle it may not be necessary. The only problem is how expensive the combos are. You have to survive a long time before you can do lots of damage.
-2 Mimic vat +2 Mirrorworks or Myr propogator or adaptive automaton No need for creature tokens that die at the end of the turn. Pump them out there
Thanks for the suggestions. Made some changes.
Great idea, thanks. Went for hannah's because it's the cheapest
I actually did, I also have a sacrifice to malfegor deck and I commented
That is funny,
lol truly. Just lowered my angel deck to 60 and it is a badass mofo
Thanks, I actually just tweaked it to be a little closer to 60 cards. Used to make decks with way more than 60
I like the idea (built a couple decks around isochron) but any deck worth it's spit will be able to kill you before you can mill it. Try something like this
That is pretty darn good man
I agree with some of the choices here but I like sheoldred. The point is the make an invulnerable blocker that gives the opponent counters just for attacking.
I like the deck, should run pretty smoothly
Added. Thanks
Platinum Angel?
Not bad but you'd have to have one hell of a first hand.
Check out my Myr deck. Kinda fun Check out my elf deck. I think it has some fun combos in it that you might like
Added 4 Jagged-scar's and changed lys alana to just 2. That way I have 6 defenders against flying.
I'm also toying with the idea of darksteel plate to protect some of my more important creatures, like Joraga. Thoughts?
I made some of the changes you mentioned. I am keeping Rhys the Redeemer because he can double the amount of creature tokens I have and that will buff Joraga and then my whole deck even more. I added 2 overrun but Ezuri, Renegade leader also has the skill. I took out some of my mana elves because it seemed a bit redundant. Not sure what else to cut but brought it down to 63 cards. Thanks for the advice!
41-60 of 81 items