Unmake is Great for Everstrike!!
id love a draft sim or something! that would be great!
Undermine maybe too instead of the Perplex
its decent looking. GJ i'd suggest 2 things. 1# Fix your lands. i'd say Sunken Ruins and River of Tears both x3 maybe Underground River. 2# Possibly more removal. it looks like a pretty fast deck. but if you come across elf aggro or some other decks out there you may have issues. counterspells are good but when you leave 2 untapped islands purposely turn after they may get the hint. Terror is good. Sudden Death also. or if you want to continue cs then maybe Rune Snag. GL
i havent tried putting in Cryptic Command yet but i think its prolly more useful then perplex. impulse is good too, so is Jace Boleran. a mystic tutor possibly vampiric tutor.
he is kind right though. focus your deck. it works best that way. is this deck type 2? what decks do you have a hard time with?
I have a type 2 UB control if youd like to take a look at it. this type of deck might be your worst matchup so look into SB. mines called UB Control Type 2 pretty simple. also ignore the comments cause the guy doesnt really know what hes talking about.
Put Terramorphic Expanse in there too. and less islands. maybe 1-2 Mouth of Ronom. if you want take out 1 Megrim for another Underworld Dreams. add if you can Careful Consideration for some card drawing. ya only need 1 maybe 2. you have a good start though.
Heres what i was thinking if this helps. there are 2 types are cards in magic. ones that help you win, and those that help you win more. Dream Stalker (i think) is usless. i dont know the format too well but you could do better. Think cards like Shimian Specter Hypnotic Specter. id put Evacuation in the sideboard cause its for creature/swarm decks. put 1 more Damnation cause its always better to destroy than to return creatures in most cases.