I was going to put Thragtusk in there actually, but my boyfriend needs them all lol, and I really don't want to go buy 2. I don't Stormtide too much either, I may either put another Sorin or heck, 1 Thragtusk wouldn't be bad, considering it could technically be reanimated and used for a long time (with rites or Angel of Serenity)
I'd say 3 Sorins.
And I just got rid of all 4 Thragtusks and all 4 Restoration Angels I had...
I play a variant on this deck, and I have the Sorin's available to me, I tried 2, 3, and 4 and I found 3 to be the perfect number, in most decks, you don't run 4 of a given planeswalker, I run mono black Sorin's Vengeance and that only runs 3 Sorins as well.
Ponder is baned in Modern.
This is pretty much modern...
Also looking at the sideboard, if you're going to run a Sorin's Vengeance, why not run Sorin Markov? He makes Sorin's Vengeance more lethal than it is.
Blood Artist with all the sacraficing and killing, may make a good edition.
Kick ass... SORIN'S VENGEANCE TO THE FACE! I was bored.
Captivating Vampire isn't in Standard
Actually, I'd keep the Spellbomb as the 1 black to draw a card is just soo much better.
I love this idea, I almost want to try it now, because I'm getting sick of my b/w token deck really fast, and I play mono black vamps and have a lot of these cards. My advice would be to run Blood Artist and Mutilate/Black Sun Zenith/Day of Judgment, it's really good for going against those decks that are just plain out control (IE Turbo Fog), as you never need to attack them. I'd also recommend maybe only 3 Sorin, as I found in personal experience 4 Sorin is just too much, and did have a hand full of Sorin at one point... Also may want to add more swamps over plains as you have way more black spells than white, and Geralf's Messanger, Liliana, Bloodline Keeper, Geth's Verdict, Bloodlord of Vaasgoth are double black for their cost. Good luck with it!
I ran a deck like this, and best I got is 3-2. Secondhn is right, I got hammered by B/W Delver, which actually lost me 1st place in FNM, I play B/W tokens btw, my deck is listed here as well.
You need 4 Captains and Nobles, and Falkenrath Aristocrat is really nice here as well.
I have the same deck, the one thing that I found (I got 4-1 at FNM with this and lost to a Judge playing in that night), I took out all things that made human tokens, becase they do nothing interesting... Sorin's have Lifelink, Bladesplicers have 1st strike, and well Hero, can't control she makes soldiers, and spirits are flying. I win a ton of games just because of the fact my spirits fly and some don't have flyers to block. If you make a sideboard, Mirrian Crusader is awesome, or even in the mainboard, double strike is amazing, and it beats down ramp, mono black, green, etc... because they can't block. I also do the combo of blood artist, and because of that I run DoJ in the main board, it's not the typical token play. I'll put mine up so you can see.
I really love your deck, I've been running B/R Vampires and I've been doing okay, going 3-2 consistantly, but last Friday, game 5, I got beat in a stupid mistake by a W/B token deck like this, with Sorin, and since I'm a sucker for Sorin (I have a playset of both Sorin's and 2 foil, kinda obsessed here), I was thinking.. ok that's it, sick of seeing it, I need to utilize them, I had some ideas, of going G/B/W for Gavony Township, but ehh after playing my Sorin's Vengeance Rebound, it's hard to effeciently run 3 colors and be fast, so I decided to go B/W, thanks for the ideas, and I plan on building something similar.
Very, very similar to a Phage deck I played, Whispersilk is black in Standard too.