Amen to that brother
This deck is very fixable and has potential. Update the planeswalkers (Jace Memory Adept). Take out the remnant and us something like geth. Use at least one tramatize and maybe keening stone. Update the utility land. Mostly just look at the more recent stuff for things you like cause there has been a lot of wicked new mill cards released.
It's an idea but infect has a tendency to kinda fizzle out late game if it doesnt win early on. I agree skittles is awesome but black sun saves asses. maybe one of each main board and one of each side board depending on what your facing
It's interesting. I am a big fan of puresteel and I feel he is vastly underrated. First thing I would sugguest is fixing your equipment base. The big swords are always good (Although body and mind is questionable concidering how good reanimator is) but sword of vengence is clunky and not that good . Put in flayer husk and mortar pod and if you have ur heart set on S.O.V. there is the sideboard option. Ornithopter and memnite are good, keep those in but late game you really start to rely on those exrta cards off puresteel and thats why I sugguest the little equipments in adition because half of the reason puresteel is good is because of the card advantange. Another thing to look at is your answer base. You have some sideboard but not for everything. I would sugguest maybe Mirran Crusader or something like that because it goes really well with both equipments and battle cry. so in summary Better creature base Flayer hust Mortar pod maybe more answers lose the S.O.V. Glad I found a decent looking puresteel deck finally
It's a pretty cool deck but with all the turn one wins the chances of it happening are rather low especally if you need multiple coppies of a card in your hand. I would like to offer some advice but I dont know much about turn one wins so its up to u to find if there is something u could use to make it better
Lol I don't care what all the trolls this is now my favorite deck list of all time, I literally almost fell out of my chair laughing. Hahahaha fucking amazing! I approve so much!
Very good. Just an idea or two, if ur mass spawning creatures then I have to recommend pennon blade. Throw that on kemba and damn son ur making ur own creatures and it gets scary very fast. Also sword of koldra kicks ass especially if u give the creature first strike. Just some ideas. They have worked for me and if they're not for u then fair enough.
Well not too bad but the only thing I'm seeing is an obvious lack of win conditions. One extraction and ur left with 2 wurmcoils a hope and a prayer. You have the whole scars block my man. Get crazy. U can make this kick ass very easly
It's an interesting idea but does need some work. I use to run a cloneshell angel and despite what everyone says it is a perfectally good idea. (I wouldnt sugguest looking at mine since it is really out dated). The sun Titan can afford to come out cause ur main cards are your angels and you are going to want to use cards that are good for them not just a filler mythic. Try finding another angel, such as shattered angel (I'm not going to be the guy that says go get all these really expensive cards). Good job not using shepard of the losts or sera angels because they are terrable. You seem to have some defender love going there i would try to make the deck more focused on simpily getting out your angels as fast as you can because angel effects are some of the best in the game. So just to summerize take out the sun titain and focus your deck around angels instead of so many different themes like defenders. Good job and keep building
Wlill this kind of a deck work with an angel/burn theme do you think? I'm thinking of putting in a but of small white stuff and burn spells plus some big hitters. Would love your feed back
Not going to lie, Norin the wary is a scared little bitch who spends his time running away
Good, think about others like captivating vampire, Mephidross Vampire, Ascendant Evincar, and Kalitas, Bloodchief of Ghet
I would put more big creatures and/or stuff to get creatures from your graveyard back in your deck, such as elixir of immortaltity
Very good idea but keep updating. lightning bolt instead of fiery temper and such
I would suggest putting in a copy or two of mirrorworks from the new mirrodin Besieged set in. It can really help get more artifacts out only not as much for the mythic rares, darn rules.