Didnt see virulent swipe. Nice card suggestion thank you. I took dub so that the non knight creatures have a chance for a buff from the examplar and indestructible.
What is the GPG tag mean?
Took a whirl at it https://www.mtgvault.com/msnouffer/decks/bu-zombie-mill-helped/
https://www.mtgvault.com/msnouffer/decks/crank-that-mill/ check this out maybe it can shed some ideas. Maybe even veldaken ghoul or any of the zombies that have afflict. Or curious obsession for its buff and draw abilty as an enchantment. The problem is you have 2 really good themes and you're trying to make it one deck with half half of each so you cut your effectiveness in half. Just have to pick your cards very carefully to make sure they sync end game wise. If your looking for more damage based you are definetly going to need 4 mind cranks.
Thanks! Didnt remeber that one and youre right about that one. Tried and i did well but the tangle cord works better
I didnt use triton but i did like your idea.
Thanks for the suggestions! I am trying to keep it around $40 and its only a few over. The skyknight is a nice addition.
Nice Deck!! You should think about main decking emerge unscathed, there is so much removal in most decks now you need something to protect your vitals
OUCH...lol love to see the face of the person you use this against
Very nice, I love the use of the battalion effects to ping out smaller creatures. Cant beat angels and Humans :-)
nice that is awsome ive never done a discard deck becasue it just seemed to lack damage output...I was wrong, nice combos
Thanks, great ideas. Dropped the valor in favor of the safe passage and added the rootborns. Would love to add a sublime lol, but this is a deck I actually own and use, If I could get my hands on one it would be in here for sure.
Thanks! I wasn't paying attention when I added it
Offense is there. If you look second turn, you could hit for 3-4 damage, and with low cost creatures with exalted, you can hit for more and more each turn. Possible win in 4-6 turns.
Really nice, I would hate to play against this lol, thats allota rats
nice...love it
Crazy combo, I have really wanted to see some creative ways to use lab maniac, and you nailed it.
Like it but definitely add grenades fits in with token pumps and reverberate
Awesome card choices looks like alotta fun to play
It is a little tougher, but with only a few instants and sorceries its not worth losing the control and other capabilities my combos provide
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