I have focus more into the creature on this one because someboy ,somebody tell me that I cant do offensive deck based into battlefield creature and dommage. So here it goes please comment on this but I want to keep it standar
Yes after watching more closely your deck I have seen that I head more into the redirect / burn and forgot your conterspell in the way ...
LoL When I look at his card I can see 2 way to kill in round 3 and maybe 1 to win in turn 2 but he have to start second and have an incredibly lucky hand but its normaly a 3-4 round win BUT if the game last longer he can survive and still push a win by k/o
Creatures 4x Kiln Fiend 4x Dissipation Field 2x Pyromancer Ascension 8x Island 10x Mountain 2x Halimar Depths 4x Turn Aside 2x Burst Lightning 4x Lightning Bolt 4x Mana Leak 2x Reverberate 4x Spell Pierce 2x Call to Mind 2x Fireball 4x Ponder 2x Redirect Just some idea I got I dont know what you think
And btw this deck is more Theme Based then combo based
Nice protection combo there
Again I have another sugestion xD I would remove all or at least two of your planar chaos thingy and put some something like Smoke into this and you should have some more protection there
Noob Deck I dont like that at all
Oooh ok sorry ;P Then : For field control I would suppose that you have in mind : Dissipation Field Aether Adept Turn Aside for protection Some Ponder ? Burn : I would use some Spark teetering Peak if you dont mind using tapped land (btw if you really dont mind use halimar depth 2 time could be a good idea) and of cource Assault Strobe And BTW I dont think Zendikar is standard ;P
Hey have you think about putting one or two fire/ice on that ? is a really nice card it could do great in this deck
Hey man , Really love the concept of this deck but ... How do you think you are gonna play Stitch ?
Yea this is a really good deck but Im not calling myself an expert but ... isnt there too much possibility ? I mean I havnt read all your Tutorial but after all this is not deck for everyone this is a Legacy deck who cannot be play by everyone And is it me or this is a very variable deck ? You have put LOTS of time in the strategy to help you getting big but dont you prefer going nice and quick then to have to hope that all the card you need are there ? And you dont have lots of chance getting your combo out nice and clean dont you ? Anyways im getting out of track but this is a way too hard to play deck for me but if I had the time to build a deck like this I would surely look bat at yours ... After all : Tournament quality deck for Tournament quality player Like
Just a new tryout deck lol Still need improvements but I will surely like that ^^
No Well not regular
Thank you a lot I have made all that change in my real deck and I find it way more solid then it was I can suprise by getting 1 to 3 more mana in one turn it help me out quite some time against my friend who have a destroy land / artifact so even if I only have one or two land I still can do massive dommage out of nowhere ... Thank you you have made my day
If I had to make an elfe deck I would base it on yours ... Nice mana curve smooth creature spawn nice land cycle maybe gaea is a little bit too expensive for another deck but in all its really good for me !
I just done 5 hand test and Every time its like : 30 dmg around round 3-5
Your right Im on my way Thank you a lot , I think I was needing someone else for getting rid of blue And for the advice thanks you I didnt know card like Simian Spirit exist ... If you got a chance got take a look around my Tap and Win deck and the Deck Out Test I own them all so Id really like to have 3 good deck ... Im building a green based around Garuk and his friends ... Im getting out of point get rid of 2 Sandstone Needle for serpent ? I dont know its just that I have done one of my friend by a 48 dmg in one blow with that Serpent ...
Thank you very much I have made few change do you like it more like that ? I do
Its dumb but ... Change your artifact change your creatures ... Your artifact cost 2 add one wtf ? Darksteel ? Add elf ... you get at best 5/5 elfe ? Add giant grow for the trill And maybe a planewalkers ... Garuk ?] Im just saying
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