I'm trying to cut down cards still I just wanted to see where it was weak but I like your deck I wish outcast wasn't so expensive otherwise id buy 4 but right now its all cards I currently own I'm trying to get more but I got a budget
hell yeah :D :3 make it so i can duel it :P
love this deck always wanted to make a relentless rats dack :D
how is geosurge supposed to work when the mana it gives you must only be spent on creatures or artifacts and you have no artifacts or creatures?
I like invisible stalker better beacuase blighted agent isnt hexproof and if blighted agent was in there the deck would slow down the point is to give a creautre quietus spike and kill my opponent quickly its way faster than infect i thought about an infect unblockable deck but i already have 7 decks im building and im about ready to pull my hair out in doing so beacuase all the decks i make on here are decks i make and really use but i like your ideas and im glad you gave a comment and your deck is fairly interesting as well :D
well actually rancor is unique for puapers it used to be common in a pauper you can run any card that has ever been common so rancor and sengir vampire both are like that i am not sure of any other cards like that but tandem is also uncommon but i cant run him beacuase he has never been common
tormented soul bro hes way better to have in there instead of emrakul or royal assassin