ratchet bomb for 0?
yeah bolts went out with M12 replaced with shocks =/ ill probably run them instead of shock till they actually cycle in october
Due respect is really only a staller if there running haste..i threw in some preordains though
seems like i just needed a higher critter count
thinking about creating it..i think once new phyrexia comes out I'm going to order everything, however i have used livewire lash in a previous infect based deck and they work WONDERFULLY
actually while i have them here I could live without them seeing as there like 20$ a pop AND their out as of October. also if i get out semblance anvil most of my living weapons will only cost 2 land anyways
i might sideboard it if im not playing a deck that has white just cause it totally fuck with them..2 life per attacker
the mystics and batterskuls are the only real expensive ones..wizzards cupboard has mos everything else under 50cents except for a a few dollar rares and and ajani is like 5$ as it is i intend to trade for it as much as possible