Yeah true but it's more of a side board card then main deck like I describe the deck is control so adding mill, burn, and/or countershift 1/1 counters
Great deck design like they say who needs fetchlands
Fireball or a x burn spell depends on how you wan to win all it was design was to have infinite counterspells or silence all depends on your taste
Wow I'm a retardant I was thing about scorn then yes it would be a good card to add the mix but if anything dissolve dissipate now if all so added the the 2 mana mindreaver with dance of the skywise plus a couple disdainful strokes if not add a couple hour of need, icy blast, negates, nullify, neutral blast, and a thassa's rebuff
It would be a good counterspell but it's for 2 and it does the same thing as stubborn denial and it's only one mana plus once you ensoul a artifact now it becomes a better counter then Silumgar scorn
Could you elaborate on that
It's ok but now you see it that's all that matters plus it's just a rough design so others can make a deck backed around the theme
Which you convert to any color mana with pila-pala and boom win
Yes it does see u proliferate to the win with infinite mana or u untap and tap to to do infinite damage from the fallen
It helps with the viral drake win the freed from and fallen ferromancer and any other trick you want to throw it's just a tool box card
Thank you solar movie
I had simular deck design a few months back its a little differnt but close
Hmmm that seems like a mean thing but yeah it should work in theory
True maybe 2 of each
Hmmm maybe
ok yes that would help but hes not a warrior
It's more white with black and a splash of red
No mardu Kahns warriors
It's more of a control feel basically your stalling you opponent till you have a better board state but yeah if anything I cut a couple more demons and add removal
I had a feel those would help give a sec I'm finishing up another mono black deck but I'll add them in to the next deck
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