also skullcrack is a good one, check out my burn deck if you want. Its kind of a goblin burn
Consider Lava spikes, I think they are good burn cards, I would also agree with the need for quicker mana because alot of the creatures and spells you have rely on lots of mana. Check out the cards pyroclasm, banefire, and manabarbs. I could see them being helpful in your deck.
I added some of the changes that I thought were good ideas, im sort of confused by bonfire of the damned though, could you explain it a bit. The whole miracle cost thing is a bit confusing.
You might want to add in walls or deffenders so that you can block with those and then swing, also consider adding in illusionists bracers because then you could copy abilities and that could help you get more unblockables.
You also seem to know what your doing with decks, any advice for me on my burn deck? Its just for fun with friends not for tournaments or anything really but i'm competitive and so are my friends so winning would definitely be a bonus.
Sweet deck, digging the endless combo. Much better then the merfolk mill deck I tried to put together. Might go put this deck together and have some fun lol maybe id cut the combo short and leave them with one card left in their deck lol
You overlooked a few different things, your relying a lot on your tunneler and the odds of getting him aren't too great and either way with the charm or the tunneler they will only be unblock-able for one turn so its semi pointless. On top of that the hatchling, brawler, and ravager all have no attack power and therefore aren't great options for low cost creatures, there are much better choices. I get trying to mana pump for a big swing but I just don't see this working out. I feel like you would take too much damage or block and your creatures would die before you got to get enough mana to swing for a big hit.
The reason I go with shocks are becuase they are more common and tarfire has an edition fron goblins vs. elves which is banned.
Your Deck Fails. My Burn Deck Would Destroy It... Deck link:
it looks pretty good but since its a weinne deck consider removing the oblivion ring and find a different white card to remove a creature more permenantly then that one.
i like the deck but if it faced my burn deck linked bellow i could kill you before you got the chance to defend yourself. Deck link:
Its okay for a no creature burn deck but consider adding some because you need some blockers. also the highest mana cost cards you should have in a burn deck is 3 because anymore than that will slow you down to much. take a look at mine and consider the the creatures i have. Kiln fiends are really good in burn decks and having goblins allows you to block and use goblin grenades which are great burn decks. Deck link:
your deck is okay but you should see my burn deck, it wrecks.
Its a 1/1 for one mountain with mountain walk
tribal flames yes, but mountaineer is good for ping damage and the chieftain would make it stronger. I could also use furor of the bitten to pump it up and if its not good for that then its cheap and i can sac it for goblin grenade.
Also i can kill the enemies creatures with burn spells while pumping up kiln fiend and then attack after they no longer have any deffense.
chain lightning is just an anoyance in my opinion and ill consider putting tarfire in.
You could use a few primal bellows if you really want to pack a punch. It could help you end it alot quicker and check my burn deck out please.
How about infernal plunge's instead of pyretic ritual and kiln fiends instead of chandra?
What about if i replace pyretic ritual with infernal plunge? I could combo that with the arsonist to do 1 damage and add 2 land. and i could play another arsonist and then goblin grenade which would be a 7 damage combo.
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