The Medallion has very little impact in my opinion since most of your spells don't have a colorless mana to begin with.
You should put in a Knight of Infamy and take out the Knight of Glory. Not for any meaningful reason aside from having both out at the same time.
Great suggestions, unfortunately for me this deck was built around my collections limitations. I'm also not a big fan of purchasing single cards and my location doesn't help with that either.
I've finally made it an all human deck. I still need to sort out the tokens issue.
I'm not a big fan of Selesnya Sentry, I feel its a very badly costed card that doesn't have that much of an impact in the the game. In this deck I think it might suck mana away from other cards that will help you to populate the tokens you have.I would personally replace them with more hard hitting creatures or increase the numbers for other more useful creatures in your deck like attended knight.
It works fine, it always has. The disables bog down anyone in the early game and then I just come in and sweep during Mid and Late game. If I have a problem and I'm lucky enough to draw one of my two wipes then I can just clear the field and start over.
I would suggest taking out Primal Visitation, its a very poor spell. For a cost of five you should be getting way more for that.
You need to update this with what it looks like know. A deck that really deserves the name it has.
This is a really cool looking deck. I personally have some infect cards, but your deck actually got the cogs moving around in my head. I would love to play with and against it to see it in action.
I don't think there are enough artifacts in the deck to really take advantage of Megatog or Hoard Smelter Dragon. I think adding the goblin replicas could solve this issue while at the same time giving you a way to knock out other peoples artifacts.
Melt is a more effective spell than craterize, it does the same thing while also doing 2 damage to a target player.
Boros Keyrune seems completely unneeded in that deck. Replacing it with any other card already in the deck to increase it chances will make the deck that little bit stronger.
There are some great cards in here but I think it can easily be cut down. In the creatures especially you can take away a number of creatures as the ones with deathtouch or bloodrush in order to have better focus in the deck and so that you know what is going to happen as you play the game.