I'm not feeling Goblin Rally, with no mana ramp 5cmc is just to much especially since someone can just sever the bloodline. Hellrider would make such a great add into this spot. and possibly searing spear instead of the sphere of safety
now im actually thinking kessig can get the boot, for a mountain. the caverns are really needed in my meta there are a fewpeople who run 8+ counters in their decks
Yea, i see what your saying i haven't honestly had any problems yet, but i could see adding a mountain or switching out the borderland for farseek. I also see alot of Thalia in my meta which was stopping my turn 2 farseek, which is why i originally switched to borderland.
should be fun!! i wish restoration angel fit these colors, just think how cool it would be to have restoration angel, geralf's messenger and disciple of bolas running together.
it's interesting, but bear umbra isn't standard anymore. drop four of those and add some strangleroot geist or green sun's zenith.
i like but even as a token deck i would still find room for gravecrawlers, the card is just awesome.
simple and seems like it would runpretty decently. it's biggest enemy is mental mistep.
these new token decks are straight evil, on that note nice work!!
no gobbie gernades? otherwise i like it
i like what you have here, im interested to see how tyrant of discord works out for you. i had scanned over that card and just couldn't commit to it yet in my unburial deck.
3 batter skulls seems a tad to many, i think 1 is fine i ran a very similar build to this for a while. also a full set of birds isn't needed, primeval is your biggest drop and you have plenty of board interaction even if you only have him out by turn 5 instead of turn 4. however, if you were to run a full set of swords then you would run 4 birds, because a turn 3 bird swinging with a sword is good times.
the addition of cavern of souls to werewolves is awesome, as it's awesome to most decks.
i'd drop Oxid Ridge and put in 2 hellriders, it's not human but it's kinda awesome, think about the new red tokens spell too, bumps up champion and they are haste.
Happy to see new ideas with the new set!!! looks fun!
i like it, but i feel like you need more spells if your going to run x4 Delver and plan on having them flip to become a threat. Maybe drop the chamber breakers and add 2 more uncanny speed. Turn one you play your delver turn two you flip it and add +3/0 to swing for 6.
2x cultivate
I would try dropping 1 Mirran Crusader and/or 1 Hero of Bladehold.
I like your set up, I've come up with 2 different Boros Hellrider decks myself, one involves pumping out tokens, check em out. I'd say try running maybe another land or two just because you want to be able to drop hellrider or the hero's right on turn 4 for the most pressure. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=306770 http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=302030
this is what i came up with for standard using hellrider and tokens, i reallt like the card and want ot do something with it. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=298922
maybe even Tezzeret's Gambit instead of Foresee.
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