One word. Leveler. Just Leveler. Give that bitch a Leveler. Laboraty Maniac LOVES Leveler.
Haha this is glorious. I've longed for a deck like this. Props :D
Yeah, well. My damage output doesn't require creature power (: I only need a little bit for my defenses to hold up, and the rest comes from abilities. Thanks for the suggestion anyhow.
Two words, one card, 5 repetitions: Distortion strike, Distortion strike, Distortion strike, Distortion strike, Distortion strike. If you're playing infect, your opponent only has 10 life, and can't recover it. Getting 2 unblockable attacks for 1 man can basically win you the game. Get. It. At least if you're planning on winning.
Ludevic's Test subject is an extremely unreliable creature, that is much too easy to counter /: I've played a couple decks with him in them, and not once have I managed to pull off an attack in the transformed form xD People have too much time to prepare because of the way he's summoned. And unless you have 12 mana in one turn, people will be making preparation's as soon as they see him there. I'd say take him out
Added Captain Sisay as a commander.
Hum, true, I forgot that my commander needs to have all the colors. Was planning on using the Kemba, Kha regent. I might rework this into a completely white deck, but that might not become what I wish it to be. I'll probably find another commander. But Marisi's twinclaws isn't a problem, because the rules don't stipulate that the spells cannot have the mana colors in their costs, they simply stipulate that mana other than the colors of the commander will be produced as uncolored mana.
Hum, true. I misread some of the stats on the covenant.
Oh lol.. I fail xD
I know Ichorclaw myr is better, I just hate it because it's found in pretty much every deck around P: I specifically tried to avoid it xD Yeah, I was looking at Vines of Vastwood, and I just might add it p:
You're right p: Must have mistaken the little suns for something else. Replaced them with Wall of Frost.