I have Ram Through in my other builds but this one is my more aggro build. If I had any more non creature spells, Lead the Stampede wouldn't be as effective.
Replace leatherback with Steel leaf champion since it's a better 3 drop for 3G and replace Kalonian with barkhide troll since it gives you the same stats with the benefit of removing its counter to gain hexproof for a turn. If you add a bit more ramp, I'd look into the new card that just got spoiled the other day called Nyxbloom Ancient, it'd really add a punch to your aspect's.
Those Elves better be Naruto running to have the speed to dodge Wizards lightning bolts. lol
In my opinion, Cavalcade decks post Eldraine must have Torbran, Thane of Red Fell in it. I mean, if you have him on the field, each cavalcade does 3 damage instead of 1 and any creature that you attack with that isn't blacked deals 2 extra damage.
well now that I've got to play with Garruk, 3 of him is plenty. He tends to brick a bit at 4 in the standard meta. Maybe if we get better mana ramp in the next set you could bump him to 4, but now 3 is good.
I'm with you, I'm one of the few who upvotes comments as well.
I don't know about feasting Troll King, it'll be pretty hard to cast him even if you only had one copy in your deck. This is just my opinion, but I'd remove two of the trolls and one wicked wolf and add three Rosethorn Acolyte for better mana fixing so you have a better chance to cast your troll kings from the hand. Edit: You could also add some Castle Garenbrig's
I'd personally run 4 Garruk, his Ult is so easy to get off it'd be worth it. Just imagine Ulting him and then slapping down another one creating two 5/5 wolves each turn. lol
Not enough life gain in my opinion.
You're not going to survive long enough to play most of those cards. I think the sweet spot for the number of hydras in a 60 card deck is 11 or 12, that's enough hydras to see a hydra often enough while also not underestimating how much ramp is required to make hydras not as bricky. Also, when adding ramp, don't underestimate non creature ramp, those enchant land cards that add mana to your mana pool is from my experience more reliable.
From my experience, Chandra is worse. she has the weakness of being a planeswalker. Once you set her down, she usually dies next turn, making her useless. Since you're playing single duels instead of matches since matches are red burns weakness, you're not going to find as much enchantment removal.
Yep, people can complain all the want about this or that but in reality they're just too lazy to be friendly and like a deck or help a builder out. This website is dying simply because no one wants to participate anymore.
lol I bet it's the type of cereal that cuts your mouth all to hell like Cap'n Crunch. lol I like your deck.
I agree with most of what you said, however, I highly enjoy the budget deck techs since I consider myself a casual player for as long as I've been playing the game (10+ years).
In my opinion, the problem isn't people not liking and commenting, it's that more people are leaving the site than there are people joining. The problem is more sites have came out that's similar to this one and has divided our numbers. The owner of the site needs to advertise the site, get a for MTGTubers to plug the site. A lot of the old users have stopped playing and the site doesn't get spread around by word of mouth as much anymore. We NEED new users.
Add some graveyard recursion, cards to protect the spirit and some cards to tutor the spirit out.
God-Eternal Rhonas isn't that good in elves unless you can give trample to them also.
too many of each Krenko. remove one of each. Otherwise, your hand will get bricked by the legendary rule. Experimental frenzy helps with not bricking as much with them, but you can't always rely on drawing into it, even at 4 copies. Maybe replace the two removed Krenko's with goblin bombs?
one can never have too much removal, so maybe Thrill-Kill Assassin, she has deathtouch and she's a pretty good beater. Tenacious Dead would also be pretty good I think.
your mana is fine :)
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