
102 Decks, 23 Comments, 0 Reputation

You'd be far better off with The Rack than you would with Megrim. IMO. Though personally, I would run another solid creature instead of either one.

Posted 14 July 2009 at 15:41 as a comment on Mono Black Discard for 2010


Needs more land or you'll find yourself getting beaten often simply due to lack of mana. My suggestion would be to drop Crystallization altogether and add 3 more land. 4 O-Rings, and 4 Paths is enough creature removal. Especially when you have counterspells/control (Hindering Light and Meddling Mage) to deal with your opponent's removal. I'd also get rid of the Wall of Reverence and Archangel... you want more offense, and they are defensive/slow. If you would like to up the speed with some cheap cards, I also think that the Balmgiver's and Skirmisher's might be replaced with Bant Sureblades and/or Talon Troopers. Both of which I think are solid creatures and better for an aggressive deck.

Posted 27 May 2009 at 10:57 as a comment on Cheap Bant


To be fair, most of the money is in the Maelstrom Pulses and Lords of Extinction ($18 and $10 a pop respectively last I checked). But yeah... mixed lands are pricey. :(

As for why Putrid Leech, it's because they are one of the best 2 cost creatures out there. A 4/4 whenever you need it is a big threat. Plus it can't be killed by Shock, Incinerate, Terror, Volcanic Fallout, Infest, etc.

Posted 15 May 2009 at 13:18 as a comment on $200 of Jund


Savage Lands will slow you down and are only here to support the Lord as far as I can see. Instead, go with Karplusan Forests and/or Fire-lit Thickets. Also, I'd get rid of the Lord and the Broodmother. Both are too slow for this deck I think. Blitz Hellion or some other big haste creature would be a good choice for their slots.

Posted 14 May 2009 at 15:52 as a comment on GR Aggro


Yeah, Banefire is superior in almost all cases. Not including it was a matter of budget. :)

Only "CoP" type enchantment I'd worry about is Story Circle... which is a legitimate concern. Sideboard can deal with that though (if I was playing tourny style) via Everlasting Torment which disallows any damage from being prevented. Good call.

Posted 21 April 2009 at 16:23 as a comment on Hostility


If it was me, I'd ditch black or embrace it more heavily... one of the two. Messing with your manabase to include Sinkhole/Rain of Tears isn't worth it in my opinion. Go more green in place of the black, and include Thermokarst and bump up the number of your other LD spells. Going heavier green would also let you include Birds or Elves for a speed boost so you could still start destroying land by turn 2.

Just some thoughts.

Posted 21 April 2009 at 15:52 as a comment on delete


Nice. I like how Impromptu Raid works there. The interaction with the mana creatures to help offset a "bad" pull with it by at least boosting your mana for another try.

Not sure the Overgrowth's are needed given you have 16 other mana boosters already. I'd put in some kind of creature removal/recovery (Snakeform or Giant Growth) in that spot myself, but that's just a personal choice.

Posted 21 April 2009 at 15:41 as a comment on All-In Green by Qamiqaze


After playing with it, Spirit Link ended up being kind of a "win more" type of card and the deck would be better served by Path to Exile to remove blockers like archmage suggested. Also refined the deck, made it a bit faster and more aggressive by taking out Plumeveil and putting in Steadfast Guard (which will eventually become Knight of the White Orchid).

Posted 13 April 2009 at 11:11 as a comment on Idyllic Light


There are 11 creature enchantments, and 15 creatures, so really only one per critter should be necessary. Plus, once the Auramancy hits the table, you opponent is probably already in some serious trouble.

I've debated between Restless Spirit and Bloodied Ghost for this... persistence vs. flying... and either one could work. However, while the pumpable Spirit is better with Spirit Link, the other 2 enchantments take away the need to pump him up for the most part and flying let's you drop a big ascension on him and just pound an opponent.

I'd play with Spirit Loop in this deck in a hearbeat if I wasn't trying to keep to just cards that are legal in current standard. Spirit Loop with the Evershrike is awesome. :)

Posted 10 April 2009 at 11:26 as a comment on The Armory


The Bosk Bannerets not only help insure you drop a turn 3 beater, but they also work very well with Doran. Lignify works against the deck if you hit opponents with it once Doran hits the table, and with the Oblivion Rings, it's not really necessary.

Dauntless Dourbark are great when combined with a Timber Protector and a deck full of forests... but Timber Protector is too slow for this deck concept. In addition, there are only 12 forest cards here and stacking treefolk to get them bigger is just asking for a Wrath of God.

I do agree that the Leaf-Crowned Elder is good enough to be "4 of" though, and can probably replace a Twinblade for another one. Twinblade is there mostly as a turn one drop for additional pressure as well as a target for Unstoppable Ash to champion. Since the Ash is mostly a mid-late game combo with Doran , could go down to just 2 of those and throw in a Sapling of Colfenor. It serves a similar purpose.

Considering this deck will want to try and drop a turn 3 Indomitable Ancients or Leaf-Crown if at all possible, I don't think the Brushlands should come out.

In any case, I appreciate the suggestions. I use most of the cards you mentioned in my Treefolk deck. :)

Posted 03 April 2009 at 10:04 as a comment on Indomitable Siege


Lots of -1/-1 counters, but only one way to remove them. Since you are already running black, might want to put in Fate Transfer to give you something else to do with them aside from hope for a Quillspike. Also, 8 creatures that cost 5 might be a bit much. Cutting down on a few of those would help insure you're not left with a handful of things you can't cast until unless you get a Devoted Druid out early.

Posted 02 April 2009 at 10:35 as a comment on quillspike test


kung-fu_elmo: Thanks for the advice, but I already have wickedly fast white decks. This was going for a different theme.

dragonchild: AEthertow is actually more likely to be used on blockers in this deck since it's fast enough out of the gate that I expect most decks will be put on the defensive. I agree though... it's slow and might be going a bit too far to keep with the theme.

Pro: It's not so much built around exalted as it just happens that ability works well in conjunction with the Conspire from the AEthertow. Keep a couple of untapped creatures, attack with one big one, wait for a multi-block and put some blockers back on their deck.

The whole idea is that this deck is fast and severely punishes even a mediocre draw from your opponent. If it was black/white it might be even better (Agonizing Memories in place of AEthertow, and some different creatures), but the mana base becomes trickier then. In any case, I appreciate the advice.

Posted 01 April 2009 at 22:47 as a comment on Deja Vu


True, plus his interaction with Grim Harvest when you start using his Grandeur ability is pretty awesome. Allows me to pull out the Ice Age stuff and make it extended legal as well. Thanks Redhi!

Posted 31 March 2009 at 10:18 as a comment on Swampy


I originally had 4 Nobilis of War and I agree, it's a more competitive card. The Overbeing is pretty hiliarious in the multiplayer games I play though (plus it completely neuters my friends' Sneak Attack deck in a funny way), so I threw in a couple of those. :)

I originally had 4 Path's in place of the 4 Spirit Link ,but the synergy with the rest of the deck (tutors to grab them and sickness with double strike when used on the hobgoblins) just seems to good to pass up. Not sure what else I can really pull out for them and the deck is 62 cards already.

Posted 31 March 2009 at 10:07 as a comment on Idyllic Light


Thanks for the comments! I actually built this deck for a friend based on cards he had/wanted to play with though. :)

Posted 31 March 2009 at 09:55 as a comment on Soldiers


Good call Redhni. Added.

Posted 26 March 2009 at 15:15 as a comment on Swampy


Actually, 4 Progenitus isn't really a problem. Helps to guarantee that you'll see him early. However, I think 4 Elvish Pipers would go a long way toward making him a viable early play. Turn 3 Piper, turn 4 Progenitus is great. Yeah, Wrath of God will wipe him... but if they don't have it in hand? They have only 2 draws to pull it since they're toast by turn 6.

Oh, and congratulations on making the first deck I've seen with a use for Kaleidostone. That's too funny. :)

Posted 24 March 2009 at 23:55 as a comment on the beast


Otherwise though, the deck looks solid. Meant to finish my previous comment with that. :)

Posted 23 March 2009 at 16:18 as a comment on Unblockable Controlol


Without any mana acceleration, fast creature decks might pose a problem. The only big blocker you have will be the Ghastlord or something you can manage to steal, which could make it hard to fend off a swarm early on. If it was me, I'd move some of the Telemin Performances, Persuasions, and/or Mulldrifters to the sideboard and put in a few Plumeveils. A 4/4 blocker on turn three (as an instant no less) is a big problem for a fast deck and if they blow removal on it, chances are that your Sower will survive a little longer when he hits the board and steals something.

Posted 23 March 2009 at 16:17 as a comment on Unblockable Controlol


Thanks for catching that. Meant to include a couple of Titan's Revenge in there to go with the Giant/Titan theme.

Posted 23 March 2009 at 15:55 as a comment on Giant redux


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