I've been using the removal cards as a crutch so hard, that playing without seems impossible. That said, I'm going to give this a try tomorrow. I'm did my 1st tournament online with this deck and got 0-2 1st round :( Something has to change. Will let you know how it goes.
I took Doom Blade and GFtT to 3, down from 4. I ripped out Unbreathing Horde and Endless Ranks of the Dead and in place of the 6 cards I took out, I added 4 Wring Flesh(s) and (although I've yet to get it to really pay off) 2 Army of the Damned(s)... Any better?
I originally started with 4 Diregrafs, but was told "Diregraf Ghoul seems unusual, as your deck is too slow to threaten an effective clock in the early game, and she's an abysmal topdeck in the lategame. I would replace her with Moan of the Unhallowed , as it gives you fuel for Endless Ranks of the Undead."