Here's my land destruction: Pretty similar.
Flashfires, Boiling Seas for sideboard.
The only other thing that could help would be Hex Parasite. Looks good though.
Like the concept and the reason for the name.
First, while its not mandatory the average 60 card deck should contain 24 (40%) land. Didn't know if you did that on purpose or not. I think Increasing Confusion is the best mill card there is. I would sideboard Erase. Replace Negate with Mana Leak or Vapor Snag. So -3 Swiftfoot -4 Hatchlings -1 Erase -2 Negate -2 Spirit Mantle + 3 Land + 3 Mana Leak or Vapor Snag +3 Increasing Confusion +2 Sands of Delirium. If you're willing do any sort of mana ramp, increasing confusion and sands of delirium get really nasty. Also, take a look at Divine Deflection.
Looks pretty solid.
The only card I would really considering adding to this is Kessig Cagebreakers. Well, also replacing Fling with Lightning Bolt.
Yeah, hmmmm... cancel can be said about damn near everything.
Well shit. Darksteel Colossus it is.
Thunderous Wrath is really good. I'd put 'em in.
My first input: you have 8 Hada Freeblades. I like Dawn Charm for it's versatility. Rebuke, maybe? Also, Condemn is $2 cheaper than Swords to Plowshares if that matters and does about the same thing for the same mana cost.
Two more spots for what?
With such low cost, I can see this working pretty well.
I rarely give myself restrictions. I'm going to run with that idea and throw in Glimmerpost too to get life and mana. Thanks!
Nice low cost deck.
Yeah, if I wasn't running massive life gain, that coupled with Tree of Redemption or something. I don't know.
I think I'll just get rid of it. My goal is to have 30+ life anyway so, but it would be a good last ditch effort in case I get waylaid.
Good concept. I'd like to see how well it does though.
I really enjoy themed decks like this for some reason, even if they are nothing special.
Nice. I'm going to add a couple of those in here if they aren't too expensive.
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