
20 Decks, 9 Comments, 2 Reputation

First off, the main thing that old Esper had was supreme Judgement. Not Revelation. Revelation is just a stall. Not a super strong control like Judgement was. Another main card was Detention Sphere. The new Esper isn't bad, it's just a lot harder and not as low cost Mana. Dissolve is super solid right now, it's #2 only to Thoughtseize. End Hostilities is a good one, but if you're running enough Dissolves and Thoughtseizes, it should never get to that point. Also, I do like the Ashiok, but if you did want some Mill you could combo him with Phenax. Some more Aetherspouts would be good, along with some other removal. Bile blight is okay still, but you won't see double/triple copies on the field that often after the first match if you play it. Add another Prognostic Sphinx, you wanna see him as soon as your fifth draw when playing today's current control. Since he can set you up with the Scry 3.

A little too much variety for me.

I'm used to playing 4x Supreme Judgement though. Used to see it a ton. In fact the M15 winning deck was an B/W with 4 Judgement, 4 Revelation, 4 Jace, and tons of 4x removal spells.

New esper is hard since it's not a clan that was designed. There are definitely cards that still fit in it, but they're slower and not as strong as clan designed cards. Gl man

Posted 21 October 2014 at 17:37 in reply to #512485 on Standard: Esper Control


Ajani doesn't trigger heroic sadly. Planeswalkers use abilities, not spells. It keeps heroic in check.

Posted 13 October 2014 at 20:30 in reply to #508879 on w/G Standard


Yea, Azban is super janky in this format. It's a good color to go, but gets beaten out by either Temur or Mardu. It does really well against Jeskai and Sultai. (Everyone does good against Sultai)

I'm just doing standard decks for fun and the ability to play them concretely well.

Posted 11 October 2014 at 03:59 in reply to #508879 on w/G Standard


Just looking for some extra cards for a side deck!

Posted 05 October 2014 at 20:05 as a comment on w/G Standard


This doesn't really ramp into anything huge, except for Sagu Mauler. You also have no permanents besides Keranos himself that help with your U devotion, and you'd be in shambles if people countered your only R devotion (Ashcloud). Your deck would be better with a Xenagos in it since then Sagu could become a 12/12 every combat phase. I'd also cut out the Doom Engine and replaces it with Revoker. Since Revoker will help keep off some of the larger stuff. I'm personally still play testing revoker and it's only really good for Planeswalkers. I have a very similar deck, but I cut out a lot of the creatures. I use Hydra Broodmaster as my end game along with quite a lot of the blue stall cards to make sure I don't get beaten by tempo/aggro.

Posted 05 October 2014 at 19:34 as a comment on RUG Ramp


Burning tree emissary? She rotated out of standard when Khan's came in.

Posted 03 October 2014 at 19:26 in reply to #507834 on Double The Fire power!Standard


2/1 * My b

Posted 03 October 2014 at 19:08 in reply to #507834 on Double The Fire power!Standard


Rattleclaw fits a bit better in this deck. For one more mana you're getting another mana fix, R/G. Instead of just the G from Elvish. You're also getting a 2/2. More damage and mana possibilities.

Posted 03 October 2014 at 17:40 in reply to #507834 on Double The Fire power!Standard
