I like it pretty cool set up
Feel kindsa stupid now lol didn't relaize they werent zombies lol however a Rise from the Grave or 2 might help u out some but not sure if anything is worth takeing out for it
That would help have too find some of thouse i that case but proably would only exile a serra angle but i could drop the mana like i said add some less useful angles like Shepard of the Lost (good angle but not as good as the others) and exile them Thanks for the advice whould not have know that card exsited if not for u
Thanks man thats who i was thinking to since she is cheap and could potentially screw peoples plans up thanks again wumpus
whould not hould lol
Call to the Grave hould work well in here since all ur creatures are zombies check out my angel deck could use some advice as always http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=237419
great deck once again u guys know what ur doing obviously if i turn this in to a edh who would u recomend fo rthe general? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=237419
I have to agree ill proably drop the mana to 26 and put four quicksilvers in there but got to get them first thanks for the advice
That would be nasty will do if i can get one lol gots to convince my freinds to build an edh deck to play against first lol but if i can proably will make one who in the posted deck or any one else for that matter whould u recomend for the general
The land is to many i agree but i recently cut the deck down from a hundred cards so havent modified the land since i dont mind haveing tons of it been considering 25 lands however thanks for the advice
removed both the gauntlet and the sky plains i see lol but over all seems interesting with the amount of angel tokens u could build up. since u seem to use a lot of enchantments u should look at Sigil of the Empty Throne think thats the right spelling anyway it also produces 4/4 angels
for he would still have a graveyard to flashback if he uses the elixor first bye bye graveyard and past in flames is useless without a graveyard
she normaly cost 8 three plains 5 colorless just take a look at my angel deck shes in it and pretty damn awsome http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=237419
Thats what i thought just i havnt seen any mono colored edh decks or at least i didnt pay enough attention lol I've been thinking about turning this in to one http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=237419
damn man beast really considering running a few quicksilvers in my angel deck should I http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=237419
The Gauntlet is cheaper but could possibly help ur opponent i personly don't care if i can play arkoma for 5 then they have a problem lol
I'm seriously considering getting into edh decks any suggestions also can ur edh be a mono colored deck?
I only have one lure unfoartuantly yeah the aura gnarlid was from the decks old form of the deck recently remodeled it ill find somethin to use in the gnarlid's place maybe if i can get my hands on a few more leatherback baloths the boars not a half bad trade or the casilisk but dont have etheir of those cards i think
sorry sky ruins dont no what the hell i was thinking lol
wish I could get my hands on a few Emeria sky plains sigh check out my angel deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=237419
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